Jeongguk has heard before of people who were born with certain conditions but he's not sure if that's the reason behind Taehyung's shallow eyes. There were special glasses, created by scientists, which allowed people who suffered from those conditions to still see colors so the fact that Taehyung didn't wear any made Jeongguk's thoughts become messier than they already were.

What if Taehyung was not happy?

"What's on your mind?"

Jeongguk looks up, meeting eyes with Taehyung. A smile appears on his face because Taehyung simply has that effect on him.

"I'm just stressed." Is all he says before his gaze goes back to the journal in his lap.

He had been staring at the page ever since they've got there, in the park. They're on the same hill and Jeongguk had been trying to write something for at least one hour but with no avail.

The pencil in his hand doesn't feel right and the slight tremor in his fingertips is quite foreign to him. The thoughts in his mind revolve around Taehyung and the beauty he holds, inside and outside, but now they're overtaken by his worries for the other.

He wants to ask but he's afraid of the answer he'll get.

When warmth envelopes his hand, Jeongguk looks up again. His tremor stops and his fingers loosen around the pencil, letting it drop. Taehyung takes advantage of the fact and entwines their hands, then pulls Jeongguk closer.

"Why don't you relax for a second?" He asks, pulling him closer and closer, both mentally and physically, and Jeongguk allows him.

He allows himself to be dragged into Taehyung's space until his head is resting on his lap and he's looking at the city ahead of them through the few trees in the park. Taehyung starts threading his fingers through his hair and Jeongguk, for a few seconds, thinks that's what heaven must feel like.

He's content with himself, with them, until he hears a sigh from above. When Taehyung's voice echoes again, Jeongguk's heartbeat doesn't pick up with excitement and warmth.

It drops.

"How does it look?"

He inhales deeply at that, feeling the corners of his eyes sting. He's always been emotional so it doesn't take long for him to cry. Jeongguk's always been told he looks pretty when he cries but he can't comprehend the idea of someone looking remotely close to pretty when they're in pain.

He tries his best to not whimper but his voice cracks the moment he starts talking. Taehyung must know by now that he's shedding tears but he doesn't say anything, threading his fingers through his hair instead and patiently waiting for an answer.

Jeongguk, for the first time, invokes the writer inside him and tries his best to make Taehyung see the beauty of the world around them.

Just like Taehyung had helped the colors around them become more saturated, Jeongguk aims to do the same for him.

Even if it will take everything, even if it will take a lifetime.

"The colors of the sun as it's setting are warm and they blend perfectly with the sky's colder hue. It's like yin and yang and it's very pleasing to look at. I can see red, orange, yellow and purple hues, all blended into each other. It's," he stops for a few seconds, inhaling deeply. "more beautiful than I remembered it to be now that I'm finally looking at it. I never realized how beautiful the sunset is."

Taehyung's hand stops but Jeongguk doesn't have the courage to turn around and watch his expression. He doesn't but he gathers it from deep inside him and raises from his spot, finally meeting eyes with the most astonishing person he had ever laid eyes on.

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