Chapter 5: Promise Is A Strong Word

Start from the beginning

My blood was boiling, "Thank you very much Mr. Sinclair for informing me."

I turned to Michael, "Mr. Clifford, follow me into the lab so we can begin the PCR tests for the day."  He nodded, grabbing his  lab coat off the chair and following on my heels.  We pushed passed Evan and walked down the hall to my lab.  We swiped in and I was thankful for the blinds and sound proof nature of the lab.  Michael closed the blinds as I stood against the door, gathering my thoughts.

"What the actual fuck." Michael said, running his hands through his hair, making it stick up in every direction.

"Michael what am I going to do?"  I said, my voice shaking with panic.

"Why would he even be doing this?  Does he not have any other person to fuck around with?"  Michael continued to talk but my mind stopped listening.  All I kept focusing on was that Evan was here, in my place of work, literally controlling everything.  I know my boss was a complete idiot who got where he was by bossing others around to do his work, but how could he allow something like this?  How could he allow a complete stranger from a non-science company to just come in and call the shots?  I know it would be a win win for both sides but

"Roxie are you listening?" Michael was standing in front of me now, gripping my shoulder.  

"I...I-I can't..." I gripped onto the lab bench, leaning forward and squeezing my eyes shut.  My chest felt like it was on fire as it rose and fell in order to get enough oxygen.  It was impossible though, almost like a losing battle as I could feel the walls of the room moving in on me.  I could feel my grip loosening on the table as my palms became sweaty. I heard Michael cursing and panicking as he grabbed me by the shoulders and guided me to the corner of the lab, sitting me down on the floor.  The room was spinning as I tried to focus on Michael as he tried to dial his phone, almost dropping it in the process.

"Yes you need to get here now...god damn it she's freaking out she's going to pass out any second...okay, okay." he said into the phone.

I could sense Michael sitting near me on the floor, but I was too afraid to open my eyes so I pulled my knees up to my chest and hid my head in my hands.  I tried to focus on my breathing like they taught me in therapy so many years ago but it wasn't working.  My thoughts were too overwhelming and I was already in an uncontrollable spiral of panic.  I couldn't focus on anything, not even Michael trying to talk to me.  I could hear his voice but I couldn't fully comprehend what he was trying to tell me.  It was like trying to hear someone talk underwater.  The attack just wasn't ending but I tried as hard as possible to focus.  Every second felt like hours.

"Michael...I can't...I-I can' hurts..." my ribs felt like they were going to snap any second if my throat didn't relax soon to let the air flow into my lungs.

I  heard the door click open which made my heart beat even faster.  I tried to lift my head but I was weak and my vision was blurred.   My hands were clutching my chest as I continue to gasp for breath.  

Whoever walked in yelled for Michael to get ice and I soon felt a pair of strong hands prying my hands away from my chest.

"Roxie.  Roxie baby listen to me." I knew that thick Australian accent all too well but knowing he was here made me panic even more, especially knowing Evan was just in the next room.  "Open your eyes baby." he pleaded as he moved my head gently, placing an ice pack on the base of my neck.  The cold ice against my skin was an instant shock against my clammy skin.

Ashton gripped both of my shaky hands as I finally opened my eyes, spotting Michael peaking out the windows to make sure no one was coming.  "Roxie baby you have to breath.  Focus on my voice, everything is going to be okay."  My body was so tired, my chest still burning.  I focused on the ice on my neck, the little droplets sliding down my back and soaking my shirt.  I listened to Ashton telling me to breath in and out, inhale and exhale.  It took a few minutes which felt like a century but I eventually calmed down.  My whole body ached from being so tense and I felt my makeup running down my face as tears streamed down my cheeks.

All We Promised // Ashton Irwin [AU]Where stories live. Discover now