Chapter 8- Siblings, Allies, and ,Friendships

Start from the beginning

France smiled. America stumbled to get on the chair to reach the top cabinet. He was for sure short but then again they haven't had their growth spurts yet so who knows? In all honesty France wanted to be the taller friend. He then can tease America all he wanted and then kill all those who hurt him. Yes! He will destroy all the others! Oh wait the others! When was America going to meet them if he meet them? Was his father ever planning to introduce them to him?

"Um France you okay?", America asked coming back with he board game.

"Yes why you ask?", France said moving the table so they can play.

"You look like you're plotting something or constipated either which is bad", America said placing the board game down.

"No I plan on how to beat your ass", France said opening the box.

"You don't even know what game it is", America said taking his seat.

"It is chess", France said plainly seting up all the pieces.

"How did you?", America asked astonished.

"It quite obvious", France said moving his black piece forward.

"No fair", America pointed as he move his piece.

This cycle of them moving and not moving their pieces continued. Sometimes France will have the upper hand other times it was America. Their strategies somehow evenly matched each other. It seemed like matter what the other did, it maintained a consistent tie. Only time will tell who would have won but sadly at the peak of its own climax there was an interruption.

"America, may I come in?"





"Here is UK", England said picking him up and showing him to the other countries.

"He not bad looking", France said looking at the baby. Out of all honesty he expected it to be a tad bit older than it was.

"May I hold him?", Scotland asked.

"No", England simply answered.

"Can I hold him?", Spain then asked.

"No", England answered again.

"Can I hold ze baby?", German Empire asked.

"No", England answered this question for the 3rd time.

"Surely I can-",

"No, no one is holding the baby", England said lound and clear.

"May we see him at least?", France asked annoyed at England's irritation.

"Yes, with your eyes" England said holding the baby.

"Sir, the dance instructor wants to see you", one of the maids said knowing this was a bad time.

"Of course!", England expressed his anger through volume and scaratic remark,"Karen please hold UK and don't let these buffoons hold him. I'll be right back".

"Um sir?", Karen couldn't even question England's command before he walked off into his castle out of sight.

"How old is he now?", Spain asked the maid.

"Um I think a month now", Karen said holding the baby.

'It's been that long?', Scotland thought to himself looking at UK.

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