15. Alone Again

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It was pretty dark by the time we got back to the car. I rarely go out this late, especially outside of campus. I was still pretty nervous, I didn't know what to expect. I hadn't ever been treated so...cared for. I didn't know how to not worry, how to not fight. With Chris, all we did was fuck or fight, neither of which I cared for. Outside of the city, we could see the stars. It was so beautiful I didn't even want to blink, I didn't want to miss a moment.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

I got all gitty with excitement, I could barely hold back a smile. I couldn't. remember the last time I was this excited or nervous about anything.  The muscles in my face hurt from smiling so much. This road looked familiar.


I pulled into my driveway, the smile on her face dropped. 

"Why are we at your house?"

"It's not what you think. We're not even going inside."

I hopped out and hurried to open the door for her. She was looking around nervously.

"My mom's on a trip with her friends. Nobody else is here, don't worry."

She still looked pretty worried though. I lead her to the backyard, where I had set up a tent and a projector for us to watch her favorite movie from when we were kids. We used to watch it at least weekly. I never really paid attention, I would just feel good hanging out with her. I tried to not make it too cheesy. I didn't lay out rose petals, but I did give her a single rose. 

"Guess what movie we're gonna watch?"

"Umm, something with lots of sex?"

"Uhh, sorry to disappoint, it's just Shrek 2. I could pull up 50 Shades or 365 days if you want."

"No, oh my god.  I was just joking! I love that movie, remember we used to watch it all the time?!"

She sat down on the comforter I had laid down, looking up at me. I tried to hide the erection I was getting from looking at her from that angle, but she looked right at it and then smiled up at me. Getting through this movie was going to be torture. I turned the movie on and turned off all the lights. I sat behind her, cradling her between my legs so I could put my arms around her. She leaned back into me and turned her face back at me. My heart started thumping, if I would have told my 10-year-old self that I'd someday get to kiss Ana, I wouldn't have believed it. I looked at her in disbelief. 

"Thank you, you really didn't have to do all this."

"I'm just getting started."

"You're so sweet!"

"Speaking of sweet," I ran into the kitchen through a sliding door and grabbed a pack of Oreos, and poured two glasses of milk. Then I remembered she's lactose intolerant and I'd be stuck in a tent with her. I poured her a glass of my mom's soy milk. I ran back to the tent, "It's soy milk, so don't worry." I passed her the glass.

"What?! You are so cute. I feel way too overdressed for this though."

I paused the movie, "You can borrow some of my clothes, come.". I took her hand before she could say no. We came in through the kitchen, leaving our glasses and cookies on the counter. I lead her upstairs to my bedroom, which I had cleaned in case the tent didn't go as planned. I opened my drawers and passed her a hoodie along with some flannel pajama pants. I left the room so that she could get dressed, and so that I could try and think this boner away.


He shut the door behind him, I locked it and undressed. I felt so nostalgic being back in his room after so many years. Nothing much had changed besides his bed. He used to have a race car bed, Jay and his dad always loved cars.  I saw a glimpse of myself naked in a full-length mirror. It was so strange to think about how much we had changed since I'd been here last. I quickly got dressed, his clothes sagged over my body but it was comforting. 

I wouldn't call it snooping, I just decided to take a little look around. I looked on his dresser, he had some pictures with his parents, deodorant, some vintage looking toy cars, a few colognes, and a protein bar. His bed was made and his room was clean, to be honest, that's strange for a guy. So he probably assumed I'd spend the night since it's the weekend.

*knock knock knock* "Ana, you good?"

I unlocked the door and let him in, my clothes were bunched up on his bed and I was barefoot. He stood at the door, just outside the room, and looked at me for a moment. I opened my arms to him to give him a hug, "Thanks for the clothes.". I put my arms around his waist and dug my face into his chest. He entangled his fingers in my hair as I took in his scent, I didn't want to let go of him but he pulled me away.  He kissed me on my forehead, "I wanna change too, just to be comfortable.". He opened a drawer and pulled out sweatpants and a white tee shirt that my makeup will most definitely stain at some point. I sat at the edge of the bed fiddling around with the ends of the sleeves on the hoodie while he got dressed with his back against me. He had a few stretchmarks on his shoulder and hips, for some reason they were enticing on his body. Yet, on my body I found them to be repulsive. Actually, I didn't consider them to be a bad thing or a good thing. I just assumed that other people felt they were unattractive. I wondered if that was how he felt too. I got up, the floorboards creaking under my feet, and stepped in front of him. I put my hands on his chest, I studied the shape of his stretch marks as he tensed up. "I got a little bigger this past year. It's weird I used to hate being so thin, and now that I'm finally filling out I get these things.". His voice was slightly shaky, I pulled his face down to meet his lips with mine, I kissed him slowly until he finally let his body relax. "I have them too, kind of all over. There isn't anything wrong with you. They actually look good on you.", I pushed him against the bed until he sat at the edge and I traced his stretch marks with my index finger. I climbed on top of him, letting him lay back between my legs. I was fully covered from head to toe, he had only his briefs on.  My eyes lingered over his heavy set, toned body and I dug my fingers into his tight honey blonde ringlets.  I could feel him growing harder and harder under me. 

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