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I pulled my jeans on, she let her fingers linger over the stretch marks on my shoulders and kissed them. It felt like we've known each other for years, like no time was lost. I didn't want to go back to reality, I wanted to know I would see her again. "I have to shower, I have class in a while.", she looked at her feet. I lifted her chin up so she would look at me. "I don't want to be that guy that says what are we, but I had a good time last night. And five minutes ago...You don't have to say anything right now, but I was hoping...I don't know... maybe we could go to a movie or something?". Her lips were pressed together so I felt a no coming. "You don't have to say anything right now, sorry I-"She grabbed my face and kissed me on the cheek, and that's all it took to get my dick hard again. "We can meet downstairs at 8.",She smiled, grabbed her towel and we walked out into the hallway. I loved that I put that smile on her face. I headed for the elevator, needing a shower immediately. As soon as I stepped out of the building he's there. "Hey man, what you doin' in the ladies' dorms?", Chris smiled, I fought the urge to punch him in his stupid fucking face. "Just catching up with Ana. By the way, econ is canceled today, professor sent out an email. I've got some stuff I gotta take care of, but I'll see you around.", I nodded and we fist bumped. "No worries, I'm actually on my way up to her right now. Thanks for letting me know about class, frees up my day.", Chris walked into the building quickly before I could say anything else. Asshole.


I took a long, hot shower. Remembering all the places his hands and lips touched me. I missed the feeling of his lips on my chest, his eyes closing every time he collapsed over me.
"I heard somebody had a good night last night.", it was my roommate standing right outside the shower. "What do you mean you heard?" I prayed nobody heard us. "I mean, I don't know about you but um, Virginia next door said it sounded like what's his name was having a great time in your-" I cut her off before anybody else could hear whatever nastiness she was about to say. I stuck my head out of the curtain, "Shut the fuckkk up, and I'll tell you all about it when I get back to our room.". Her face lit up, she winked at me and left. I was thinking about going back home and just driving to campus, my mom was always traveling for work anyways. I hated living with so many people all in my business, there was always some new drama in the girl's dorms. I'm walking back to my dorm when I see Chris standing outside my door. I hadn't spoken to him in 3 years and now all of a sudden he was everywhere I turned. He can't stand to see me move on to someone better. I stomped toward him, opened the door, and pushed him inside. I stood there in a towel, my hair damp. He opened his mouth to speak and then his eyes wandered.


I looked at the bed, the sheets were partly pulled off, which was strange because she always made her bed. Her bonnet was thrown on the corner of the bed, a pillow was on the floor, and there was a major dent in the middle of the mattress. The room was musty, my guess was that this bitch was flinging her panties at every guy friend she had. "I ran into Julio downstairs. You always said I stank, maybe that's your type, homeboy reeked.". She rolled her eyes, "Why are you here, what do you want?".

"I just never thought of you as a pretty boy's type. You guys are an odd couple. I mean, you are a couple right? Or are you just lending my goods away for free?" I tried to hold back my laughter. She could never find anybody willing to accept her all the way. Not the way I did.


My mother always told me to never put my hands on a man unless I was willing to take a hit. I was so close to willing, had it not been for this towel.

*knock knock knock*

I don't know why she knocked, she barged in anyway. I loved that she never questioned me, she knew me enough to not assume the wrong thing. But my neighbor Virginia was standing at the door too, she walked away before I could say anything. Great. "Chris, is it? I've heard a bit about you, not a lot though. There wasn't much to tell.", I loved the way she could just read into people, "As you can tell, we've got a bit of cleaning up to do around here, I guess it got a little crazy last night huh Anabelle? Or at least that's what I heard from Virginia next door. Anyways, why don't you get your peasant ass out of our room?", and with that, she just shoved him out and slammed the door in his face before he could even say anything. She was big enough to fuck him up if she had to, and he knew that. She knew about everything that happened with me and Chris. The bitches weren't the worst part of that relationship, it was his mindfucking games. But I was ready for what I deserved now. Time to get ready for my date....it is a date, right?

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