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I was so confused, he took his shirt off but he moved away from me. We looked at each other, he looked like a blur without my glasses on. I reached for my glasses but he stopped me, he got up and pulled me up on my feet. I faced his chest, scared to look anywhere else. He lifted my shirt up slowly, I became conscious of the stretch marks on my breasts for a moment but my fear dissipated. He was slow and careful lifting my tee over my hair, my makeup was long gone. He was looking at them, the light was dim but I could feel him staring. I instantly wanted my shirt back, but then he lifted me up into his arms, I wrapped my legs around his waist. We looked into each other's eyes, knowing we could never go back to being just friends. I don't know if it would be worth it, but in this moment it felt right.


I just wanted to hold her, and look at every detail on her face so that I don't forget them if I never get this chance again. Her brown afro surrounded her small face like a radiant halo. I wanted so badly to entangle my hands in it and disturb it's perfection. It felt like I stood there looking into her eyes and thinking for hours, when it was just seconds. There wasn't a thought in my mind that wasn't about her. How could anyone pass this chance up? I didn't know how to say no to this, but I promised myself I wouldn't go too far.  "We don't have to do anything you don't want to. And if there is anything at all on your mind, please tell me. I don't want to mess this up, what ever this is, what ever you want it to be.", she nodded. I felt like I should be thanking her, worshipping every curl, curve and fold of her body. I put her down again, scared she would run away but she stood so close to me I smelled that new perfume. I unbuttoned her loose fitting jeans that hid the glorious bold curves , she let them fall to her ankles and stepped out of them. I didn't take my jeans off because I didn't want to make today about my needs, the only thing I needed was to satisfy her desires. She stood in front of me with her fingers intertwined, probably anxious, and I wanted nothing more than to make her feel at ease.


He picked me up like I was lighter than a feather, though I definitely was not. He laid me on my bed and I looked at him, expecting him to undress. He laid in the bed with jeans on, his erection way passed obvious and ready to go. "I want to touch you.", he said looking hungrily at my chest, then up at my face. I took my panties off, glad that I had chosen black lace instead of the beige granny panties that hold my chichos in.I reached for his belt, but he stopped my hand, "No, I want to touch you, please you.". I was still confused, what did he mean? He rolled on top of me, kissed my forehead, my cheeks, he stopped at my neck and whispered in my ear "You smell so fucking good, it's driving me insane.". He nipped my ear with his teeth and his kisses on my body traveled lower and lower. He stopped just under my navel, I felt thunder in my pussy when he licked my lower abdomen, just under my belly button. He flipped me over with such a force that I gasped.He ran his hands down my back slowly and pressed lightly, massaging me. His hands went lower and lower, he mushed my ass cheeks in his hands like dough. I wanted to stick my pelvis up and let him in so badly. I felt his fingers inch towards my aching folds, I thrusted my body back in anticipation when I heard "Ana! Open up, they didn't need me at work! Let's have a movie night!" FUCK! I reached for my glasses and got dressed so fucking quick I almost lost my balance. Jay put his shirt back on, I opened the door just slightly and stuck my head out. "OOH, girl it smells like somebody got fucked in here!", she could be a bit...much sometimes but I was comfortable with her after having been roommates for two years already. I hadn't ever brought guys to our room before so she wasn't expecting it and flung the door open, she saw Jay sitting up at the edge of my bed like a dear in headlights and my panties bunched up on the floor. She froze, then stepped backwards until she was outside and whispered "Bitch!That is what I'm talkin' about! I want details." and ran to her best friend's dorm across the hall, probably to tell her that she just interrupted  me about to get my guts rearranged.


I froze when her roommate barged in, all the pressure went from my dick to my face. She left just as quickly as she marched in. Ana locked the door and flung her clothes off faster than before. She got right back to the position she in was before, waiting for me with her legs open, tugging on my shirt. "Sorry, please don't stop Jay.", every time she called me Jay I remembered all the times I saw her and couldn't talk to her. Every opportunity I lost to feel more moments like this. I wouldn't miss any more opportunities. I would explore every Inch of her, tonight. "Text your roommate, tell her to find somewhere else to spend the night.", she rolled her eyes at me but reached for her phone. "Roll your eyes at me again and I'll make them roll back all night.", it came out deeper than I anticipated. She rolled her eyes again. "Don't say I didn't warn you." I tore off my Jeans.

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