13. Magnolia's

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My roommate forced every single detail out of me about Jay and me. I told her about how we were friends as kids and then my mom told me I couldn't hang out with boys anymore after I got my period. I told her about how good it felt to finally let myself be with somebody else. "Girl! Wait a minute, you're telling me that this man was fondling ALL the goods when I came in?!", she ran to the door with a disinfectant wipe. "What else did yall touch?". We burst out laughing. "I have to get ready for my...well I think it's a date. He never really used the word date though.". What if he was just taking me back to his room or something? I hadn't been on "dates" so I didn't know what to expect. 

I had looked up some hairstyles on Pinterest and YouTube, but I wanted something with my hair out, my hair was like my security blanket but I also know he finds my hair fascinating. I decided I would go big and just let my slightly coily afro run free.

I wanted to feel free in every aspect. As a kid, I remember going to Jay's house and not worrying about my hair getting wet in the pool because his mom would braid it for me afterward. I couldn't do that at my other friend's houses, my mom said I needed to keep my hair "presentable", which just meant to press out every kink and curl. I normally didn't wear dresses, so I decided I would wear a dress. I looked in the closet I shared with my roommate, "Can I borrow this?", she nodded. It was a tight black dress with long sleeves. I laid it out on my bed, picked out some short black heels and a black purse. Too much black? Nah. I sat at my desk and started on my makeup, I wasn't even going to TRY to do a winged liner. I went for a warm brown makeup look to compliment my skin tone.

I put on my cocoa butter lotion and my deodorant, topping it off with my new perfume. I put my favorite gold hoops on and glued on some nude press-on nails. "Alright, whatever you do, you make sure that boy eat yo ass like some groceries. You hear me?", I busted out laughing, "Yes ma'am.". She left and I got myself dressed. The dress was just above my knee, not too loose, not too tight, and just the right amount of cleavage. I changed everything from my regular purse to tonight's purse. I added my emergency bundle of a toothbrush, wipes, extra panties, and a hair tie to my purse. Wallet, keys, phone. Okay, I'm good. 7:57 PM. Right on time.


I spent my day trying to make it look like I had my fucking life together for once. I borrowed my dad's car, went to my barber, made dinner reservations at a big boy restaurant and I was earlier than on time. I had the car parked down the street while I waited for Ana to come downstairs where she said she'd meet me. Maybe I should have texted or called. What if something came up? I heard from my roommate, Alex, who heard from his girlfriend Virginia, that Chris was in her room last night. Though, I know that wasn't true because I was in her room all day and night. But I do wonder what happened after Chris ran off, what happened in Ana's room?

I almost didn't recognize her. She was...wow. She was unmistakably way out of my league, for sure. I stood there like a dumbass with my mouth open, sounds but no words. "Funny, you said the same thing last night.", she always knew just what to say. "You look...wow. Are you sure your date is with me tonight?", I could sense my face turning red as I grinned from ear to ear. "Oh, so it is a date?", she looked down at her feet.  "Only if you want it to be.", I lifted her chin to look at me so I could see her face. She rolled her eyes. "Blink and it's a date.AHH, you blinked, it's a date!" I walked her to the car, holding her hand.

 I couldn't keep my eyes off her hair, I remembered what it felt like to touch. Her body looked amazing in that dress, I had the urge to rip it off. I opened the passenger door to my dad's silver coupe, gently holding her hand while she got in the car. I shut the door and squealed like a little girl at the thought of me taking Ana on a date. I got into the driver's seat and took off to location number one. I made a few phone calls to the restaurant to make sure everything was perfect for tonight.


The sky was a gorgeous peachy color, the sun was setting. I was so nervous my stomach was in knots the whole car ride. "So, where are we going?", I probably should have eaten beforehand to avoid eating like a pig or getting car sick. "I'm taking you just a bit off campus," Jay said with a smirk. He started driving just faster, which made me even more nervous until he slightly squeezed my thigh. Why do guys always look so sexy driving with one hand? 

He made a sudden turn and pulled up to the front of a restaurant, I hadn't ever seen or heard of this place, Magnolia's. He rushed out of the car, opening my door and taking my hand to lead me out. Jay handed a valet his car keys and some wadded up bills using that corny move that guys do while they shake hands. I knew his father was well off, but I made sure to take my purse with me just in case he "forgot his wallet" or his card was declined. I've never been on a date but I heard guys used that excuse a lot to get out of paying.

 I could already smell the food before we even entered. I could feel the heat of his warm hand on my lower back as he lead me in, walking closely behind me. "Good evening, I have a reservation under Julio Valentín.", he said firmly. She was an older lady, her name tag said "Sofia", she didn't seem phased by the fact that we were clearly two young college students. The restaurant was a bit empty for a friday night. "This way please.", she lead us to a table in the corner with a window that had a beautiful view. He pulled out my seat and then sat in his own across from me. "Your waiter will be with you shortly." the hostess said with a smile. Her expressions gave off the vibe that she was up to something. We nodded and thanked her. This caliber of a restaurant was undeniably way out of my comfort zone.

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