Horse moths

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"WHAT ON EARTH?!? Well, what about the holes?" Brian wanted to make sure he had all the facts before he did something drastic.

"Moths." George said the first reasonable thing off the top of his mop topped head.

"Those holes were caused by moths? Quite some moths."

"They was horse moths!" Ringo said. John, Paul, and George looked at him in confusion at the drummers excuse.


"Horse moths,"

"Yeah, horse flies are nearly for times the size of normal flies, so why carn't there be horse moths that makes holes nearly four times as large as normal moths?"

"Ringo, ingen ens dum nok tro det." (Ringo, no one's stupid enough to believe that.)

"That surprisingly makes sense, which scares me." Brian slowly said, barely believing what he just heard. The phone suddenly rang, interrupting the awkward silence. Brian picked it up, since no one else bothered to. "Hello? Yes this is Bri- what!?! But when did- Okay, I'll be right there." Brian hung up the phone hurrying out of the door that was still hanging open.

"Brian, what-"

"I'm sorry, but I've got to go. Don't ruin anything again!" He shouted, running out the door.

"It's a good thing he doesn't know anything about the glue." Ringo sighed.

"Yet." George reminded, eating what had to be at least the fourth bag of jelly babies he ate during just that whole conversation with Brian.

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