Chapter 11 More to a story

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Me and Ranger walk into a building that looks like it's for engineers and basically people who build technology. I do know a couple tricks when it comes to engineering. We walk through rooms seeing other fellow engineers working on projects.

We come to a metal door with a sign saying, "Ranger's Workshop," I say as I read the wooden sign.

Ranger has his head tilted down, "He did always like to call me 'bro'," Ranger says.

I open the medal door and I go in as Ranger follows. There I see medal parts on the desk, a medium sized screen computer, and a big thing with wires. I just don't know how to say the details for the machine.

Ranger turns around looking at me, "This is one of my inventions, this allows for me to show you the past and see what happened in my mind," Ranger says.

"Wow!" I comment.

I walk towards the machine seeing Ranger, go to a computer typing on the keyboard, "Sit in the chair Chris," Ranger tells me.

I obey and sit in the chair with my arms on the armrests. I can't believe Ranger actually made this! He is a smart guy 200%! Or I don't even know if that is a percentage.

Ranger walks with two headsets that look like headphones, he jumps up onto my lap and puts them on my head, then he puts the headset on his head as well. Ranger jumps off my lap then goes to sit on a small chair that looked like it was designed for Rocket.

Ranger turns his head to me, "Chris, you need to relax and close your eyes now, the headsets will connect my brain to yours, therefore you can see my memories. I will close my eyes and think of the event, as we both relax."

I nod in response and lay against the chair. I feel like I'm sleeping, then I feel the environment change and feel like I'm in a cold room. I see I'm in an experiment room seeing Ranger on a metal table with restraints on him like I saw with Rocket months ago. The scientists do experiments on him, like surgery and other things. They inserted cybernetics into him just like Rocket had experienced. The cybernetics sticks out on his back, his belly, and legs. I watched the whole thing, and I cried with tears. I cared for Ranger and I don't like seeing the ones I care about being tortured. After the experimentation one of the scientists tells one of the security drones to carry Ranger back to his cell. Then the whole environment goes to the place where I hacked the computer and Rocket's cell. It's like a movie! You know where scenes go to different locations. A door opens and the drone throws the raccoon in his cage. Such disrespect, Mr. Drone, you are treating MY friend with most disrespect. What I notice in the experiment room is that the scientist injected something into Ranger which made him feel dizzy, but also a little hostile. Ranger growls as he tugs at the cage's bars. Then I notice that the rest of Rocket's family enters the room being picked up from the drones as they get thrown into their cages. There I see my best friend, Rocket, waking up from his peaceful rest seeing his family growling and acting crazy.

"Ma, Sis, Bro, are you doing okay?" Rocket asks with worry in his eyes.

They all look at Rocket disgusted, "You think we love you!?" Ranger shouted.

Rocket was shocked, "Of course you do, you are my family and you all told you love me?" Rocket says confused.

Ricket spits, "I hate you."

Ranger stands looking annoyed by his brother's presence, "I don't even know you!" Ranger yells.

Rocket's mother smirks evil like, "I wish you were never born."

I'm crying and mad with anger, "NO ONE TALKS TO MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shout as I punch the raccoon mother's cage with a lot of force, to the point their nose would break. I'm mad like a boiling pot!

Suddenly when I punch the cage, I feel nothing as if I slipped through the cage.

The mother's comment stabbed Rocket right through the heart. Rocket fell to the floor sobbing with a million tears. I didn't want to see my best friend like that! Then scientists come into the room and take Ranger, Ricket, and their Mother out of the room. The scene changes to a different room with Rocket's family inside cages. They wake up realizing what the scientists injected them with. It made them show their worst side for a couple minutes. They all sobbed knowing that they broke their youngest family member's heart and never wanted to say those things. I could tell, they loved Rocket with all their heart. It all makes sense now! Rocket's mad and sad at them because of what they said. Rocket needs to know that it wasn't his family's fault! They never meant to say those things! Then I wake up sitting in the chair back in Ranger's workshop. I see Ranger awake and crying.

I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a hug, "I understand now Ranger, thank you for trusting me," I say.

Ranger continues crying and we sit there while I hug him to comfort him. Knowing he's not alone.

Chris Felhopher (A Rocket Raccoon Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now