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 "Yes I am his brother, Ranger."

He hasn't told me about his family. I didn't even know if he even had a family, but apparently he does. One question lingered in my mind, why didn't he want to talk to his family?

"Where are you right now Ranger?" I asked.

"On Halfworld, have you been there?" Ranger asked.

I gave a nod, I remember the experiments there on Rocket. It still makes me sad.

"I will head to your destination soon," I spoke.

I couldn't tell what color of the outfit he was wearing because the hologram displayed him only in a light blue color.

"Should I tell Rocket?" I asked the raccoon.

Ranger puts his paw on his chin rubbing against his fur.

"You can but I warn you he may not take it lightly," Ranger instructed.

"Okay, thanks I'll come to Halfworld later today," I replied.

"I do miss my brother. Try to at least get him to come with you, but just seeing you is fine. See you there Chris," Ranger said as he switched off the communicator.

I sighed as I layed back in my chair. I think about what Ranger had said, "You can but I warn you he may not take it lightly."

I need to find out what the deal is with Rocket, and his family.

Although, one question started to appear in my head. How does Rocket have a family? How are they walking, talking, raccoons like him? Then I remember earlier. When I broke into the lab that day on Halfworld. Other test subjects were listed. They must be Rocket's family or perhaps other test subjects on Halfworld than raccoons. This is strange indeed.

Chris Felhopher (A Rocket Raccoon Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now