They spent the next few hours trying new foods, checking out unique treasures, and mostly ignoring other people standing by. Neither noticed a certain tall creature wearing a hot pink back-pack walking by, followed by a small pink frog.

Flossie gasped as she caught sight of a stall with plenty of things hanging on a wall. "Can we play can we play?!" Flossie shrieked, pointing at the wall. Jean glanced around the stall, finding no owner in sight. "There's no one here, Floss. We'll come back and see when the owner comes back, and we'll check out his game." She said. Flossie's shoulders drooped, but she nodded. "Ok..."
Upon walking around more, Jean noticed the same small frog wearing a mask from earlier, carrying a hot pink backpack. Raising an eyebrow, she tried to remember where she'd seen it last as Flossie dragged her to the next stall.
"Where have I seen that backpack before....I swear I've-wait, no, it can't be!" She gasped. Grabbing a confused Flossie, she rushed back to the direction the frog went. "Jean, what gives?" She asked. Jean didn't hear her, as her eyes searched frantically for the frog or anyone familiar.
"Anne! Anne! Are you here?!" She called. She halted in her search, hearing a commotion to her right. Heading for the source, she found herself at a bug-racing ring.
Looking down at the ring, her heart skipped a beat, and she excitedly made her way to the front of the crowd. Many amphibians grumbled at her shoving, and Flossie followed close behind, apologising as she went.
Reaching the front, Jean looked excitedly to the racing people. There was Anne, in the lead of the race as a large frog growled at her. Waving her hands around, she began to shout excitedly. "ANNE!"
Anne looked up at the familiar voice, eyes widening as Jean's hood fell off, revealing herself. "JEAN?!"
The frog racing them took his chance, using a beetle to knock Anne and the small pink frog Jean hadn't noticed before off their cockroach, leaving them in the dust as he crossed the finish line. Jean winced, shouting in protest. "Hey! That's not fair!" She yelled.
All of a sudden, tall newts wearing hoods came up behind her, grabbing her arms. Jean was startled. "Hey! What's the deal!? I didn't do anything!" She yelled, as she was dragged from the cockroach racing ring. Flossie followed close behind, looking up at the intimidating newts. "Jean, I don't think you were supposed to push to the front." She stated.
Jean looked over to Anne and the buff looking frog, as Anne's backpack was handed to the winner. Yelling in protest, her cries landed on deaf ears as she was kicked out of the arena.

Jean paced around anxiously outside. Almost all the amphibians, including the tall frog that Flossie had informed her was named "The Wrecker", had left. Before long, the loud chime of a bell sounded, alerting everyone that the Bizarre Bazaar was over.
Looking around, Jean realised Anne was now out side, searching the area. Tears pricked her eyes as she rushed to the younger girl. "Anne!"
Anne turned to face her, just as Jean ran into her, crushing her in a bear hug. "Jean! Is that really you?! I don't believe it!" She laughed, hugging the older teen back. "Where have you been?!" Jean pulled away, checking over the girl as she pulled a leaf out of her hair. "Where have I been? Where have YOU been! And what are you doing blowing up frogs houses?!"
Anne was about to answer, before she stopped. "Wait how do you know about that?" She questioned curiously. A cough interrupted the two, and they looked down at the tiny pink frog. "So Anne, who's this?" He asked. Anne stepped aside. "Oh! Sprig, this is my friend slash older sister Jean, and Jean, this is Sprig!" Anne introduced. She let out a gasp as she caught sight of a certain axolotl watching them. "And who's this?! Oh my frog you're so adorable!" She shrieked. Flossie seemed unfazed by her excited and aggressive demeanour. Smiling brightly, she held out her hand. "Hi! I'm Flossie, you must be Anne! I've heard so much about you! And Sasha, Marcy, the human world..."
Anne's eyes widened as she let out a tea-kettle squeal. Reaching out her hand, she was about to shake Flossie's when Sprig slapped her hand away. Anne was surprised. "Sprig, what gives?" She asked, a little annoyed.
Sprig stares at Flossie, straightening himself out as he leans toward Anne. "Can I talk to you for a second." Before the human could answer, Sprig grabbed her hand and, without taking his eyes from Floss, drags her far enough away to talk alone.
"Dude, what the heck was that about?!" Anne asked, looking back at the hurt axolotl. Sprig only frowns. "You don't understand, Anne. She's an albino! Hop Pop says they're dangerous, holding unnatural abilities! At least he said all except one." He finished.

Amphibia x Oc: Soul Sisters (Season 1 & 2)Where stories live. Discover now