❝ chapter 6 ❞

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When the four players finished cleaning, Tendou storms off the gym including Goshiki. They are talking about something causing Tendou to forget about Semi. Supposedly, they'll walk home together but it looks like he doesn't remember the setter at all.

Semi is currently in the changing room, packing his stuff inside his sports bag. It's quite dark because the light bulb in the changing room, unfortunately, isn't working. He uses the flashlight on his phone to light up whatever he is doing. All of a sudden the door opens, and the unexpected, half-expected person comes in.

Shirabu is also holding his phone and uses the screen to light up his path. He saw Semi at the corner. Shirabu puts his bag on the floor and starts lifting his slightly wet shirt up.

Semi doesn't pay attention to the guy who is changing his clothes. He clutches his bag on his shoulder and walks outside the door. Semi notices something clinging to the changing room door. It's the padlock. He suddenly thought of something while glancing back at the shorter setter who is struggling with something inside the room. And then he glances back at the unlocked padlock.

When Semi saw Shirabu lifts his gym bag, he quickly pulls the padlock and slams the door close. He hears Shirabu shouting from the inside but he immediately hooks the padlock to lock the door.

"Serves you right..." He smirks while listening to Shirabu's tantrums.

"Hey, Idiot! Open the door!!" Shirabu tenses up. He is banging the door with his fist repeatedly but no one's responding.

Semi walks away and jogs outside the gym and to the gate. He saw the school guard sitting on a bench waiting for his roaming time. It's currently 6:45 in the evening and usually, the guard is roaming around the school at 8 PM. The guard practically has all the spare keys of every door in the school so Semi is sure that the short setter will not spend his time in the dark changing room. He casually waves at the smiling guard and finally walks away.

Shirabu's phone has 1% battery. A tear streams down on his cheek. He hates this. He hates being locked up. He'd experienced this kind of thing before. And it was horrible.

Shirabu lifts his knees up to his chest. He rests his forehead on his knees while trying his best to restrain the incoming tears. He hates it, he hates being weak. He hates crying.

He closes his eyes when he remembers the incident when he used to be a young kid.
He just got home from volleyball practice that day when that incident happened. He decided to go to Shiratorizawa Academy for high school but his parents disagreed. His mother told him to enroll in Tokyo but Shirabu refused. His mother insisted, telling him that it would be convenient for all of them to live in Tokyo because his parents have a coffee shop business there.

Shirabu keeps on resisting especially when his father told him that when he graduates from high school, he will manage the coffee shop. Shirabu didn't have any problems with it. However, he had his own dream, he wants to become a doctor. And after he will graduate from high school he already had plans to study medicine.

Shirabu still remembers that day when he told his plans to his parents. They got furious and their anger was more triggered when he told them that he will play volleyball in his future high school. That moment he was dragged by his father to a small, dark basement of their house. He heard the padlock. He was locked in a dark basement.

His parents never supported him. His parents never cared for him. They were only noticing his mistakes. He was trying his best to impress his parents but they keep on ignoring him.

It was his first day in Shiratorizawa and he finally entered the volleyball club. He saw the irritating face of Semi, the creepy yet cute face of Tendou, and the intimidating look from Ushijima. Shirabu was happy. Absolutely happy.

But when he got home, he was greeted by two middle-aged women. They handed him a letter, it was from his parents.

When he read the letter, he burst out crying. His parents left Miyagi and decided to live in Tokyo to manage their business personally. His parents hired the two women as his house companion.

Part of him felt sad about the situation. However, part of him felt glad. He could do what he wants starting that day and he could play volleyball freely.
That day, he decided to do his best on everything, especially on playing volleyball.

When he watched Semi's tosses, he was inspired to practice more. Semi was his inspiration to play volleyball. And he promised to himself to train harder so that his senpai will acknowledge him someday. Yet the unexpected happened. Instead of hearing Semi's praises and acknowledgment when the coach announced that Shirabu will be the starting setter, he saw his senpai scowling at him and he heard his negative murmurs towards Shirabu.

Shirabu walked home with a heavy heart that day. Again, even though he did everything, he wasn't acknowledged by the person who inspired him to do his best.

But Shirabu didn't backed down yet. He will still want Semi's attention and that's the reason why they ended up annoying each other now.

Shirabu quickly stands up and wipes his tears when he heard someone humming outside the changing room.

"Hey! Help me out!" He screams desperately, his voice is trembling.

After a while, he heard jingling sounds of keys and the door opens. He saw the guard.
Tears trickle down on his cheeks again as he thanked the guard for noticing him.

When he steps outside the gym, Shirabu smirks.

"Prepare for the worst... Semi fucking Eita."

Well... I think I wrote the flashback nicely.

I just rewatched Haikyuu and I can't help but stare at Ushjima's godly face.

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter ^^ Might as well click the vote button, ily all♥️

three words eight letters 【SemiShira】Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang