[Eighteen - END]

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~No POV~

The past months weren't exactly easy for anyone around. Sam is trying his best at dealing with the small amount of hatred that gets thrown at him. In 2023 you'd think people would be happy about a black Captain America, still there are a few people not wanting to accept the change. Bucky's been by his side through it all and since he and Dee talked, it seems wherever he is, Dee's around too. Actually she's not albeit they do spend a lot of time together.

For a new military project, Deanna's been shipped out, only a few states away, but neither James nor her have the time to travel and meet up. So instead they're facetiming and calling each other, both of them glad that Barnes got a smartphone after all.

"Hey, did you move again?" Bucky's voice comes through her phone, which is leaning against the kitchen wall.

"You could say that," admittedly, she has a hard time not to grin.

There are a few possibilities of what could happen. First, he's gonna attack her. Second, he's gonna scream and, or be mad. Third, he's gonna be happy to see her, and they'll enjoy the meal she's making together.

"I thought about what you said the other day," James watches her cooking while he's walking home. "About us, moving in together. I don't know if that's a good idea."

"Why?" Deanna places a piece of vegetable in her mouth, eating it.

"Because I don't want to hurt you. Still have a hard time sleeping, you know that."

"Hmm," she hums, "you woke me up several times in the middle of the night. I remember. But if we'd move in, we'd be roommates and I could be there for you. Like physically, hugging you and all."

There's the other reason why Barnes doesn't want it: They'd be roommates. He wants to be more, clearly, but hence Dee wanting to get to know him first, they've established a solid friendship.

"I regret starting this conversation, Dee." James exhales deeply, "I don't want you to be my roommate. If we'd move in together, I'd want you to be more."

"I can see that," Dee snickers to herself. Suddenly the sound changes and she can hear noise from the hallway, registering what's going on. "Where are you, Buck?"

"Uh, almost home, why?" He starts looking for his keys.

"Good, good, I have to go anyway. Sam... Texted me. Something important came up," she sighs internally. "See you later!"

Confused, Bucky glances at the phone screen, a picture of Dee, Sam, Sarah and Sarah's kids lightening up the relatively dark hallway. If it were so important, Sam would've asked him too, but the brunet doesn't have a single text. Actually, that's odd enough, maybe he should check up on Sam?

Taking deep breaths, Bucky opens the door to his flat and frowns when he sees how tidy it is. Did he pay someone to clean up? Not for what he knows. Maybe someone broke in? Exhausted but ready to fight the intruder, Bucky closes the door and puts the duffel bag from his last mission to the ground. Sneaking through his own flat whilst he takes in the unfamiliar smell of freshly cooked food. Oh.

"You almost got me," he loosens up and turns into the kitchen with a grin on his face. It fades the moment he sees Dee and his eyes widen at her sight.

Glad the surprise worked out in a good way, Deanna turns to him and smiles. "Surprise," in the short amount of time after she hung up, Dee turned on her Bluetooth speaker and connected it with her phone. Pressing play on her phone, the playlist with 'old school covers' starts playing -or: adaptions of newer songs to ages that Bucky lived through.

"Welcome home, Bucky. Food's gonna be ready soon too," she comes out from between the kitchen island and counter, taking off the apron and revealing a somewhat 40s style dress.

James' mouth falls agape as his eyes are practically glued to her. Watching her wander around him, helping him with his jacket and neatly hanging it to her own. As she passes him again, Bucky snatches her wrist and swirls her around, taking in her whole look. She even left her boots at the door and changed into ones that fit for the dress. The colours work amazing with her skin tone and though there are a few inaccuracies, like the dress being relatively short, his heart fills with joy.

This gesture isn't coming out of nowhere, Bucky told Deanna about his pre-war past and that he often misses it. Not because he dislikes the advantages of modern times but because things were easier and, simple as it is, he grew up back then. So to bring a bit of joy to him, Dee decided to bring him back to the 40s with the advantages of today. One of them being Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox for the background music.

Finally, he stops spinning the poor woman and catches her as she stumbles over her own feet. Pulling her close to his chest and running his metal hand through his sort of longer hair. Desire in his eyes, gaze wandering from her eyes to her lips and back up. What he'd give just to kiss her now.

Deanna looks up at him, thanks to the spinning, unable to notice how much he wants to have her, make her his. "Well, I didn't expect that kind of reaction. If you'd let me go, I could keep the food from burning."

"I'll do that," gently, James forces her to one of the chairs. "You stay put and... Look like you look right now." As fast as possible, he attends their dinner and starts to set the table, not allowing Dee to argue with him. "Just because that's how it was back then doesn't mean I want you to do all the housework, Deanna." He comes to a halt and eyes her up again, "Although I could get used to you running around like this."

In the end, Deanna gets up anyway and helps him nevertheless, now her being the one who doesn't let the other argue. Eventually they both sit at his table and eat together, comfortable silence and the background music surrounding them. Both start talking about their last missions, deviating from their original topic and quickly finding new things to talk about.

Afterwards both cleaning up, Deanna speaks her mind once again, "Sam told me that, uhm, what you told me. That you want me to be more. In fact, Sam said," she starts mimicking his voice, "'He's head over heels for you, Dee. Don't make him wait.'" The woman sighs, "I'm guessing I'm good at hiding my own feelings because he never speaks about me that way."

"That's weird," Bucky softly nudges her, "Sam really never say stuff like that about you. On the other hand, I fear you might attack him if he would." Nodding to show that he's right, she looks up at him. "Also, this whole 'head over heels' thing is such an odd expression. I'm always 'head over heels', that's human anatomy."

For a few seconds, both remain silent again. Then Deanna decides to put her cards out there, "I want to move in with you, James. Get a bed, decorations, fight over the colour of the walls. All of that," she takes a deep breath, "couple stuff."

"Really?" Bucky puts down the dishes he was holding and focuses completely on Dee.

"Really," she confirms, avoiding his gaze.

A shard of foam on his hands, James lifts his right to turn her face, forcing her to look at him. This time though the super soldier doesn't hesitate to lean in and presses a soft kiss on her lips. Closing her eyes, Deanna leans into it, but keeps the kiss as soft as he started it. Her cheeks warming up again, she can feel the blush building up, and this time she doesn't even care.


A/N: Well, well, well, would you look at this... New Old Love came to an end. A little birdie told me, Deanna might make a comeback with her own story, featuring the years she hid from Hydra. I got a few things in mind, don't worry, you'll hear from me again.
Thank you for joining in on this ride. I really enjoyed all your comments and I appreciate every interaction! Stay safe, hydrated and nutritioned, my loves.

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