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~Deanna's POV~

Nipping on my glass, I spot a figure turning away from the bar, suspiciously pulling her hood further over her head. "Dad, I'll be back soon."

"Dear, you can't just-"

But I'm already gone before he can end his sentence. Following the figure, I eventually make it up to her and quickly pull the hood off her head. "Sharon?" I gasp.

She puts her hood back up and pulls me into a dark alley. "Deanna? What are you doing here with them?" 

"A mission. What are you doing here?" She raises an eyebrow at me. "Oh, right, you didn't get a pardon. Sucks, doesn't it?"

"Wow, you never stop being awful, do you?"

"Sharon, I really missed doing business with you. You were like, uhm, some weird kind of friend. It's good to see you're healthy." 

Before we can continue our little talk, we hear a phone vibrating. We exchange a confused look and get a view through the small parts of the windows that are open. I can make out a woman's voice, probably talking through the phone. Then, suddenly, Selby's expression changes. Breathing in, unable to process what's happening, my body starts to act on its own. Just like I learned, pulling out the gun from a hidden halter on my back, aiming at Selby and firing one single shot. While Sharon pulls me away from the window, I breathe out again. That's all it took, one breath, and a woman is dead. While I'm still trying to process everything, she shoves me into a car, telling the driver to bring me up to her place in High Town.

After a cold shower to calm my nerves, I slip into new clothes. Not completely my style, but it's enough for me to be comfortable in. Following the sound of the music, I go downstairs to join the party. 

Almost instantly, Zemo pulls me aside. "That was you, wasn't it?"

"You're welcome, Zemo. But while we're speaking," now I'm the one pulling him, further away from the crowd. "Que carajo were you thinking?! You knew my goddamn file, and you made me decode his!" My eyes dart back and forth between his, tears welling up in them. 
(What the fuck)

"It was never personal, Martinez. For what it's worth, I was hoping you wouldn't get behind it." He shrugs it off like it's nothing.

"Fue personal para mí, Zemo! And you knew that!" A tear running down my cheek, I push him back. "It was personal for me!"
(It was personal for me, Zemo!)

"Deanna, you're not to blame. The guilt is eating you up from the inside, I can see that. But one thing I don't understand: if you feel like it's your fault, why don't you apologize to him?"

"I can't! What if he-"

"What if who?" Barnes looks at me and Zemo.

Quickly, I turn away and try to hide the pain and the guilt, wiping away the tears. Placing a hand on my shoulder, Bucky turns me back around and carefully pulls me into a hug. As soon as I take in his smell, a whimper escapes me and I tightly wrap my arms around him. I've always felt safe around him, but I've never been so close to him. My hands crawl into his jacket while Barnes wraps his arms around me, gently pressing my trembling body against his. Waves of indescribable feelings come over me, making me sob and hold on tighter to him. Crying while I'm pressing my head against his chest, hiding my face. Slowly Barnes caresses my back with his organic hand, trying to calm me down. 

"I'm sorry," I whimper against his chest.

Confused, he furrows his brows and when I apologize again, he gently gets some space between us. "Sorry for what?" His eyes meet mine and widen slightly. "I know you, don't I?"

Shock strikes through my body, but before I can start to explain, Sam joins us. Once again, I turn away, quickly wiping the tears from my face. I don't want Sam to see me like this, Zemo and Barnes were enough. Wilson doesn't need to know how broken I am.

Brows furrowed, Sam draws his attention to Bucky and Zemo. "Sharon said she got a few concerned guests asking why you're standing here. She told me to get you moving."

"Clever," I sniff, but turn back around and make my way through the space between Sam and Barnes. "I'll go catch up with her." 

~Bucky's POV~

Still confused, I watch Deanna walk away from us. Her presence, her body embracing mine, it felt so familiar. But if I would've known her from Hydra, she would be dead, or I would at least remember her. Except if she would be able to erase memories, but that wouldn't exactly make sense. Where would she get the powers from? She's not like Wanda, for as much as I know.

Letting out a deep sigh, I follow Sam through the crowd. Zemo already joined them, dancing to let off steam I guess. The music is really terrible, pounding through the big speakers, a DJ hopping behind his pult. Roaming through the jumping crowd, my eyes fixate on the brunette woman next to Sharon. The green in her eyes practically glows from the party-like lightning, and her hips sway a little with the beat. Does she really enjoy that kind of 'music'? My eyes wander over her all black clothing, it's sitting tight on her body, emphasizing her curves. I'm still not fully used to the kind of clothing people wear in this century. Spending little time on the outside, I didn't get much time with the change of mind that made women wear ridiculously small pieces that are supposed to be shirts and dresses. Honestly, I'm kind of happy, Deanna isn't wearing some sort of mini-clothing, yet I can spot other men practically drooling over her body. 

Then my gaze falls on the bruises decorating her neck. Right, she got someone, I shouldn't be watching her as long as I do. Quickly I draw my attention back to Sam, following him to the bar where Sharon, Zemo and Deanna join us.

"Hey, guys. I found him," Sharon states, locking eyes with Deanna.

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