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~Deanna's POV~

Barnes' eyes flicker to me as I accept Zemo's offer and take the cup of tea from him. Gaze wandering over my body, as if he's trying to make my clothing change by itself.

"What?" I ask innocently. His jaw clenches, knowing damn well it's not his place to say anything. Sitting back down, I place one leg over the other, a proud expression forming on my face. "That's what I thought. Earth to grandpa: it's 2023. I can run around however I please."

"So you chose to run around in underwear?" He asks through his teeth.

Looking up from my tea, I raise a brow at him. "Excuse you? Since when do you take any interest in the way I dress, Winter Soldier? No, stop, wrong question," I chuckle sarcastically. "Since when is it any of your concern what I'm wearing?" Once more, he remains silent. "Damn right, Winter Soldier. To quote Chloe Noone: It's a dress not yes and Our body our choice."

Now Barnes lowers his gaze, tongue sliding over his bottom lip before he bites it. "Why do you hate me, Deanna?"

"Why do you address me with my first name, Winter Soldier?" 

And again he gets up from the couch. "Goddammit, Deanna! I'm trying to make amends!"

Drawing in a deep breath, I follow his lead and get up as well, rounding the table to get to him. "Bad for you, 'cause those people are dead." Standing face to face with him, eyes locked, that's all I wanted to say. Suddenly, out of my control, being hurt gets the better -or rather worse- of me. "Not like you should get peace anyway." My eyes widen, jaw dropping. James just swallow, telling himself exactly that on the inside every day. Stuttering breath cutting me off as I shake my head. "Th- That's not-! I- I didn't mean to-!" 

Panic rises inside me, adrenaline rushing through my veins, my heart racing and stinging. Without a single thought, placing my hands on his cheeks, cupping his face and pulling him down to me, forcing our lips together. James' hands land on my waist, softly pulling me closer to his chest, moving his lips with mine. Our bodies start to follow the movements, grinding against each other, hands roaming my body while I intertwine one hand with his hair and let the other one rest on his shoulder. As time progresses, we both deepen the kiss, my heart calms down and the pain in my chest gets replaced by a warm, safe feeling and the urge to be closer to him.
Driven by pheromones I want to press myself against him, instead I push him away. Getting space between us, I try to swallow the urge to kiss him again. He just looks at me, confused and a little worried, trying to catch his breath.

"That was... interesting." Zemo states, taking a sip from his cherry blossom tea.

Sam's eyes dart back and forth between me and Bucky, furrowing his brows he narrows his gaze on me. "Dee, can we talk?" Answering with a quick nod, I follow him out of the building, he doesn't lose any time. "What the fuck, Dee? I thought you and Torres are a thing? Now Bucky?"

"No, Sam, you're getting this wrong." I sigh and shove my hands into my pocket. "Me and Quin have a relationship, yes, and I called him just a few minutes ago before you guys came back. While you were on your phone, I said something to Barnes I shouldn't have said and I, uhm... I tried to apologize, but the words didn't come out, so I- I kissed him." Lowering my gaze, I start seeing his point. "It was just... missing Quin and the heat of the situation."

"Are you sure? Because you didn't look like it," Sam crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"Yes, I am sure. I still hate Barnes, and I think I'm actually falling in love with Joaquin." A smile decorates my face, growing wider with the thought of Quin.

"As long as you don't hurt him, Torres really likes you." Sam sighs and pulls me into a hug.

Joining us, Zemo and Barnes step out of the building. James is back to his cold face, avoiding any sort of contact with me. Exchanging a few gazes, Sam and I follow the two men through Riga. Although nobody told me the destination, it's pretty clear to me: Donya's funeral. 

Of course, Walker intervenes with our mission. "Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit!" He exclaims, coming down some stairs and walking towards us, Lemar quietly following him.

Barnes' voice strikes through the air. "Ah! How'd you find us now?"

Annoyed, I look over Zemo's shoulder and watch Walker and Lemar coming over to us, Lemar quickly answering Bucky's question. "Come on, man. You really think two Avengers can walk around Latvia without drawing attention?" 

His hands on his belt, John's gaze flies over us before he focuses on James. "No more keeping us in the dark. You could start by telling us why you broke him out of prison," John nods to Zemo.

"He did that himself, technically." Barnes states, stopping in front of Walker.

Wannabe-Captain America already tries to throw hands, walking closer to Zemo than it's needed. "This better be an unbelievable explana-"

Stopping him with a hand on his chest, Sam stays calm. "Hey, take it easy before it gets weird."

I let the guys converse, sending Lemar a friendly smile and then glaring at Walker. If looks could kill, he'd drop dead to the ground. We start walking again, I just follow their lead, keeping my glare and trusting Zemo with his knowledge. Funny enough, the Baron and Sam are the only people I trust right now. That James avoids me doesn't really help to build trust to the former Hydra assassin. 

Walker sprints up to the front, stopping us once again. Talking how we shouldn't let Sam try and reason with her. I scoff and look over to Zemo before I glare at Walker again. 

"You're gonna let him do this?" John focuses on Bucky. "Are you gonna let your partner walk into a room with a Super Soldier alone?"

"He's dealt with worse. And he's not my partner." Does his voice sound colder than usual? Oh, what I'd give to get into that pretty head of yours, Winter Soldier.

"I used to counsel soldiers dealing with trauma, okay? This is right in my wheelhouse," Sam walks around Bucky, standing next to John.

A grin on my face, I agree. "Birdie is something like a group therapist, and he's a good one too. So why don't you take your try-hard-wannabe-ass out of our way and let us do our job?"

John frowns. "And what is your problem, pretty princess? While we're at it, who are you exactly? Because I did some research and there's nothing about you."

My grin vanishes with a sarcastic chuckle and I start glaring again. "Then you're terrible at doing research. For you, it's not 'pretty princess', it's Doctor Martinez. Yes, one 'doctor' is enough, I don't need you to remind me that I actually have more than one PhD. If you are intellectually able to do so, you should read my work. Although," pressing my lips together, I eye John up, "I doubt you will understand the most of it." Giving him a friendly smile and patting his chest with my hand, I walk past him. "Don't you ever underestimate me, Captain Walker. Because I did my research on you and I know exactly where your cute little wife lives. Piss me off more and I might screw her. Show her what good sex feels like, you know? Oh, right, once again something I doubt."

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