Part 2: Chapter 11

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I woke up one morning, a few months after, with a headache and feeling dizzy. That was weird because I hadn't been to a party since Thor's return. The only thing this could've been was that I was sick. I went to check if I had a fever. I didn't, thank God. But I felt tired, even though I just woke up. I went to get a glass of water, got back to bed and fell asleep immediately.


I don't know how long it passed, maybe a few hours, when I heard someone knocking on the door. I was still half asleep and wasn't bothered to get up and open the door. When the knocking faded away, I fell asleep again.


When I woke up, hours later (or was it days?), my headache and dizziness were gone. I got up and decided to go see Thor.

When I came to the palace, an hour later, Thor wasn't there. Frigga told me he went to get Loki from Earth.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think Loki went to Earth to rule over it," she answered.

I wasn't surprised. It was just a matter of time when he was going to do that.

"Why?" I asked, not wanting an answer.

"I'm going," I said. I went home to get my armour. When I came to Heimdall, he told me that the battle was over and that if I went, I would see someone I hadn't seen for a long time.

"Ok?" I said, "What do you mean?"

But Heimdall just smiled and opened the portal.


I was in the middle of New York. But it didn't look like New York. It was all destroyed. Houses and buildings, in ruins, parks, full of dust. In fact, everything was covered in dust. Cars were destroyed all around me. I was confused. What happened here? I remembered Heimdall said the battle was over. What battle? I walked around until I saw a really tall building with an A on it. In front of the building were people. I recognized Thor at once, with his red cape and his hammer, holding Loki, in handcuffs. In front of Loki was another man with a bit of beard. On the right to Loki was a woman with red hair. Behind her was a man with a bow and arrows. Beside him was another man, shorter, with curly hair. Behind Loki was a man, muscular, with a shield. He looked like someone I knew, but that couldn't be him because that person was dead.

"Rose!" Thor said when he saw me. I went closer.

"Hi everyone," I said.

"Rose?!" the muscular man said with a bit of surprise in his voice. When I looked at him, I recognized him immediately.

"Steve?!" I exclaimed happily. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his hands around my waist, lifted me off the ground and spun me around.

"You're alive!" I said when he put me down.

"Yes," he said.

"What? H-How? Peggy told me you were dead," I said.

"I-" he started explaining, but a man with a beard interrupted.

"I'm sorry to cut short, but we kind of need to go. We have a criminal here," he said.

"A criminal?" I looked at Loki, who was looking at me, "Why a criminal? What even happened here?"

"I'll explain everything later, but now we need to get Loki to Asgard," Thor said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," a man with a beard said, "Asgard? And how do we know you are not going to let him go?"

"Because, Stark, as you said, he is a criminal. And I'm sure my father won't let him go easily," Thor said.

"Your father? So, there's still a chance he might not go to jail?" the man named Stark asked. 'Stark? Stark? Why is that name so familiar?' I thought, and then I remembered. Stark. Howard Stark, the man that piloted the plane when Steve went to save Bucky.

"Do you know Howard Stark, maybe?" I asked the man, interrupting his and Thor's fight. 

"Um, yes, he was my father. I'm Tony Stark," he introduced himself.

"Was," I asked.

"Yes, he died," Tony said and turned to Thor again and they continued their fighting.

"I'm so sorry," I said. He didn't hear me.

"I'm Natasha Romanoff," a woman introduced herself over Thor and Tony's fighting.

"I'm Bruce Banner," a man with curly hair said.

"My name is Clint Barton," a man with a bow and arrows said.

"Hello everyone, I'm Rose Jenkins," I introduced myself.

"She's also from Asgard, like Thor," Steve said. When Thor heard his name, he turned around.

"What?" he asked, "What do you need me?"

"I'm just telling everyone about Rose," Steve said.

"She also has powers. And knows how to fight. I've seen here in action," Thor joined.

"Stop guys," I said, blushing.

"Really? Why weren't you here then?" Tony asked in an accusing tone.

"I was sick," I said, "And no one came to get me." I looked at Thor as I said that.

"And I needed to find out everything from your mother."

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"What did he do by the way?" I asked and looked at Loki. I saw he was still staring at me, and I looked away.

"Tried to destroy New York. With aliens," Thor said.

"Destroy? With aliens? I thought he wanted to rule the earth," I said, confused.

"He did, but we wouldn't let him, so he invited some aliens to the party," Tony said, "Now, enough talking, let's get this man out of here."

"Coming Rose?" Thor asked.

"Already?" Steve asked, sadly. I looked at Steve.

"No, I have some catching up to do," I said to Thor. Steve smiled at me.

"Okay, see you," Thor said and called Heimdall. 

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