Part 2-Loki: Chapter 1

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I must've passed out because the next thing I know, I was lying on the familiar bed. I knew I wasn't on Earth, so it couldn't be mine and Bucky's bed. I opened my eyes and saw someone sitting on the chair beside my bed. His head was tilted, and his black, long hair was covering the right side of his face. He was sleeping. He looked so peaceful. He looked familiar, yet I couldn't figure out why. The man opened his eyes and I looked away, not wanting him to know I was watching him sleep, but I doubt I fooled him.

"You're awake," he said, "How are you feeling?"

He was concerned.

"I'm okay," I lied. I wasn't okay, of course I wasn't. My boyfriend and best friend died.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I asked after few minutes of trying to figure out why he was so familiar.

"Just, you look so familiar, yet I can't figure out why," I added. 'Stupid! Stupid! Why did I add that?' I thought.

"I didn't even introduce myself," he smiled, "I am Loki Odinson, second-born son of Odin and younger

brother of Thor." he introduced himself.

"Do I need to kneel? Because I am too tired to get out of the bed," I asked him.

"No, of course not," he said, "and you must be Rose Jenkins." That wasn't a question.

"Yes, I am," I said.

"Why are you here, by the way?" I asked him.

"Oh, you came to Asgard and passed away. Your mum couldn't carry you all the way home, so she called Thor to help you," he said.

"Where is Thor then?" I interrupted him.

"Thor had something to do and wasn't in Asgard, so I came to help. I carried you here," he said.

"Thank you," I said, "When can I see Thor? I missed him so much."

"I'm sure he will be here any minute now. He was delightful when he heard you're back."

At that moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I spoke. A man opened the door. He had long, blonde hair and big muscles on his arms. He was wearing a red cape and had a hammer in his hand.

"Rose! Am I glad to see you," he said, smiling, and hurried to my bed.

"Thor! I missed you," I said, getting up in a sitting position to hug him.

Thor was my best friend before I went on Earth. I fought beside him. We were unstoppable. We understood each other perfectly, just by a look. But we got into a fight 3 years ago when I decided to go to earth. He didn't want me to leave. We fought until I said: "It's my choice, and you won't stop me from going!" and stormed out of the room. The next day I went to Earth, and we hadn't seen each other ever since.

"Are we okay now? Or are you still angry about me going on Earth?" I asked him.

"No, we are good," he smiled.

"What happened?" he asked, serious now.

"You didn't hear?"

"No, I just came back, and Heimdall told me you're back, so I came to see you," he said.

I told him everything that happened to me on Earth.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," he said when I finished. He hugged me again. I started crying again, of course. When I calmed down, I looked around the room.

"Where is Loki? I wanted to thank him again," I said.

"Should I get him for you?"

"Yes, thank you," I said.

"Oh, and by the way, I probably won't be here for the next few days. I need to do something for my father," he said before opening the door.

"And you can't come. You need to rest," he added before leaving.

After a few minutes, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted. It was Loki.

"You wanted to see me?" he asked.

"Yes, I wanted to thank you again for bringing me here," I said.

"No problem," he said, "I'll leave you to rest."

He turned around to look at me.

"Listen, do you want to go for a walk tomorrow around Asgard? Just to remind yourself," he said.

"I would love to," I smiled.

"Ok, great, sweet dreams," he said happily and left. 


When I woke up the next morning, I was excited. I felt guilty because I just lost a boyfriend a few days ago. But I couldn't help but feel excited. I didn't really know why. I was going out to see Asgard with Loki. It's not like it was a date. Or was it?

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. 

"Come in," I said, getting up. Loki peeped inside.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you."

"I just came to pick you up so we can go," he said.

"Or is it too early?" he asked when he realized I was still in my pyjamas.

"No, no, I'll be ready in 5 minutes, 10 max," I said.

"I'll wait outside," he said and closed the door. I opened the closet. I spent half of 10 minutes just choosing what to wear. When I finally got ready, I went outside.

"You look pretty," he said, "Shall we?"


I had so much fun. We spent the whole day together, walking around Asgard. We just stopped for lunch. We talked a lot. By the end of the day, I knew he was born on December 17, which meant he was Sagittarius. He was a cunning, gifted, good-hearted, and intelligent man. He told me he loved to prank Thor. His father, Odin was spending a lot of time with Thor, so he grew closer to his mother Frigga. He was fascinated by her magic, and so she taught him everything about sorcery she knew. Thanks to her, he became an expert in Asgardian magic. When Thor and he went to Earth to teach people there about Asgardian language and culture and displayed their abilities, Thor became 'God of thunder', while Loki became 'God of mischief'.

After a whole day of walking and talking, I went home. When I came home, I went straight to bed.  

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