31. A Deadly Game

Start from the beginning

"Hermione, you're still upstairs?" Mrs. Weasley calls.


"Wake Ron and Harry up for breakfast please!"

"Wait for me!" I call after her, climbing upstairs to see the last two in bed. Harry's sweating profusely. "Harry?" I ask cautiously, approaching the bed. They put blankets over the windows, making it dark as sin in here. Hermione lights a candle as I put a hand on his shoulder. "Harry."

"Harry!" Hermione yells. This snaps him awake, making him shoot up so fast, he headbutts me in the nose.

"Ah! Jesus fuck, man, I was trying to help!"

"Sorry." Harry winces.

"Fuck, man." I touch my nose realizing that it isn't broken with a huge sigh of relief. "Dude, you have a hard ass head."

"So I've heard."

"Are you okay?" Hermione asks.

"Other than him almost breaking my nose-"

"Not you, you git." She says, a good-natured smile on her face.

"Oh me?" Harry asks.

"No the motherfucking ceiling fan." I say, sarcastically.

Harry sighs and Hermione hits me lightly on the chest. "I'm fine, just a bad dream is all." Harry assures us.

"A bad dream or a nightmare?" I ask, looking at a madly blushing Hermione. Harry doesn't answer. Hermione gets up and starts rough with the youngest boy in the Weasley family.

"Wake up! Wake up Ronald!"

"Bloody Hell." Ron groans, covering his chest.

"Honestly, get dressed and don't go back to sleep." Ron glares at her, waiting for her to leave. "Come on, Ron, your mother says breakfast's ready." He doesn't get up so I draw open the window illuminating the room. "At least someone's ready to start the day."

When we finally leave, Harry and Ron walk together and I stick with Hermione and GInny. Percy had to do his internship thing, so it's just the twins, Dad and Mr. Weasley outside of our groups. Ginny keeps stealing glances at Harry, it's obvious she's crushing on him, which is hilarious to me, because nobody else seems to notice. Maybe Hermione knows.

Harry finally asks, "Hey, Ron where are we going?"

"No idea." Ron sighs, "Hey, Dad, where are we going?"

"Haven't the foggiest." Mr. Weasley says, "Keep up!" Harry and Ron pick up pace as we continue forward into the woods.

Eventually, we finally do hear another voice, "Arthur! Colson!" It cheers. Mr. Weasley bows his head and raises his hand, greeting the new voice. "It's about time."

"Sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." He looks directly at Ron.

"Wait, Amos?" I ask, "You're named after the Great Wizard."

"Indeed he is." Mr. Weasley cheers, "Everyone, this is Amos Diggory, he works with me in the ministry." Suddenly, a boy jumps out of the tree and lands on the ground. He's well-built, lean, like me with broader shoulders, kinda looks like Justin Timberlake if he were clean shaven. "Ah, this strapping young lad must be Cedric."

"Yes sir." He replies timidly.

"What were you doing in the tree?"

"Climbing it. You must be Samuel hedrich."

"Did the accent give it away?"

"No, your picture in your book did." Cedric says. Why the fuck is he just as demeaningly sarcastic as me?!

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