"Darling I love it, thank you." He kissed your temple and put a bit of chocolate into his mouth.

"I equally love it Bardot, thank you for making the effort." He hugged you and went over to the couch.

"Okay, I know you said you didn't want any gifts. But I got you some anyway." You stood up and went into your room taking out two presents from under your bed.

"Y/n you really didn't have to." George said as you handed him the wrapped gift.

"You letting us stay here is more than enough." Fred added, as you sat down next to him.

"Now i more got these gifts because I personally kind of want to see how they work. They're both muggle things that I saw when I went down the town for you two." You smiled and waited for someone to start opening.

George obviously went first, tearing into his present. You had brought him a PlayStation with a game called Crash Bandicoot to put into his room.

"What is this?" He asked. You could see his eyes lit up as he read gaming console on the box.

"I don't know what it is to be honest but the woman in the shop said you link it to your tv and you can play games." Apparently PlayStations were quite popular around the world, they were a brand new gaming format that allowed you to play games on a big screen.

"That's quite cool." Fred said taking the box from George.

"I know, that's why it's my gift." He snatched it back like he was five and held it like his life depended on it.

"Right now it's your turn." You smiled excited for him to open his present, "I went along the same sort of lines with the games."

He held a box with a game boy inside along with Super Mario Land as the game.

"This is a game?" He asked flipping the box round with a massive grin reading the game description.

"Yeah basically you have to try and complete levels I'm pretty sure. You have to guide the little man without dying." You shrugged.

"It's amazing, thank you darling." He hugged you with his free hand and gave you a little peck.

"I love my present too." George exclaimed.

"We can take them out and figure out how they work another time but for now we have some food for breakfast." The boys practically tan to the table at your word, scoffing down french pastries to get back to their presents.

"Where are these from?" Fred looked over and asked holding a pain au chocolat.

"I went quite out of town for all this stuff it's from a shop called Waitrose. It's a bit more pricey than the supermarket down here but I'm treating my two favourite boys." You were reflecting on your morning in that moment and realising how much you sounded like a mother to the twins.

You let them finish eating and had a few of the pastries yourself, allowing a little time after for the food to set as both sets of boys read through their instructions. Neither of them had ever had something like this, they were barely even used to board games. Having new entertainment in the house seemed like a good idea, all you had was your radio, tv and a few games here and there but they were starting to get a little boring.

"I think I'm probably going to shower before doing anything else." Fred said, setting his game boy aside and walking into your room.

"I might do that too, then I can focus on doing this for the rest of the day." George added, going into his room.

You needed to go for a wash too so you thought no harm in joining Fred. As you slowly entered your room you heard the sound of the shower only just being turned on. You took your towel and undressed, wrapping yourself in the towel to walk into the bathroom.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now