Marissa and Fury and reunion

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Marissa was at a cafe holding a cup of coffee thinking about the day the plane got forced down and the kiss. She looked down not wanting to look up at people until someone sat down in front of her. "Marissa Jones?" The person said. She looked up at him shocked anyone knows her name. 

"Yes...?" She answered. 

"My name is Nick Fury and we need to talk in private." He told her. The two walked away to an alleyway while she placed a hand in her leather jacket pocket and holding her coffee. 

"Talk." She told him. 

"I need your help." He told her. 

"With what?" She asked. 

"There is a person named Loki. He's not from around here. He took the tesseract." Fury told her. 

"The tesseract? As in the same thing that was in the ocean after Steve Rogers and I defeated Red Skull?" She asked. 

"Yes Howard Stark fished it out of the ocean while he was looking for you and Rogers." Fury explained. She tried not to roll her eyes at him thinking. 

"If I know if Steve is alive I know he wouldn't like that." She told him. 

"He is alive and i'm gonna talk to him next." He told her. She looked up at him shocked. She looked down thinking. She sighed as she looked at Fury. 

"Fine. I'll be there in three minutes." She told him. He nodded his head okay with it before she turned into glass shards and fell apart disappearing. 

In the morning she was already above deck. She already met Natasha Romanoff who she found to be really nice. She was above deck wanting to see the man she crashed with a long time ago. She watched as a quin jet landed right before the door opened for Agent Coulson and Steve Rogers. She couldn't believe her eyes so she blinked a couple times before walking to Steve with Nat. "Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers." Coulson introduced. 

"Ma'am." Steve greeted before he looked at Marissa just as shocked as she was. 

"Hi." Romanoff greeted. She turned back to Coulson with information. "They need you on the bridge. They're starting the face-trace." She told Coulson. 

"See you there." Coulson acknowledged before he walked away leaving them. She was still looking at Steve like she saw a ghost. 

"Steve." She said quiet but loud enough for him to hear. 

"Marissa." He said. She got closer to him shocked holding her back her emotions. She stopped looking down. She turned her head away while Steve looked over at her. She looked back at him. 

"I'll talk to you later." She told him before she walked inside with him watching her. She walked to her room sitting on her bed thinking deeply trying not to get flooded with emotions. 

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