Back at Camp, location and Bar Scene

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The three soldiers walked miles back to the camp with the prisoners they rescued until they got back walking through while soldiers in the camp with Colonel Phillips and Agent Carter walked to them surprised to see them alive. They stopped when they reached camp Steve and Marissa saluting Colonel Phillips. "Some of these men need medical attention." Steve told the colonel while medics walked over to them. 

"We'd like to surrender ourselves for disciplinary action." Marissa said. 

"That won't be necessary." The colonel responded to them. 

"Yes sir." They both responded. The colonel left while Peggy walked up to them with a soft smile. 

"You're both late." She said. Marissa pulled out the destroyed machine showing Peggy. 

"We couldn't call our ride." Steve told her. She smiled a bit while she looked between Steve and Peggy then looked at Bucky with a softer smile. 

"Hey! Let's hear it for Captain America!" Bucky yelled. Everyone soon enough started cheering. 

Later on, all officers including the two that went into the factory were in a meeting room Steve showing them the Hydra locations. " The fifth one was here in Poland, right near the Baltic." He told them marking it. She took her marker and marked the sixth location. 

"And the sixth one was... about here, 30, 40 miles west of the Maginot Line. We just got a quick look." She said as a soldier took the map away. She looked down as Peggy spoke up. 

"Well, nobody is perfect." Peggy told them. 

" These are the weapon factories we know about. Sergeant Barnes said that Hydra shipped all the parts to another facility that isn't on this map." Steve explained to them. 

"Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6. I want every Allied eyeball looking for that main Hydra base." The colonel ordered. 

"What about us?" Carter questioned. 

"We are gonna set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass. What do you say, Rogers, Jones? It's your map, you think you can wipe Hydra off of it?" The colonel asked them. 

"Yes sir." She answered. 

"Yes sir. I'll need a team." Steve answered. 

"We're already putting together the best men." The colonel told them. 

"With all due respect sir, so am I." He told them. 

Later on Marissa was walking with Peggy in an old fashioned Black dress while Peggy walked in her red dress. When they walked inside the bar where the men was. As soon as the two women walked into the room, the music stopped and everyone's jaw dropped to the floor even the two men in front of them. "Captain." Peggy addressed. 

"Gentlemen." Marissa addressed as well as she kept her gloveless hands close to herself. 

"Agent Carter. Sergeant Jones." Steve addressed still looking at Peggy. 

"Ma'ams." Bucky respectfully addressed. 

"Howard has some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning?" Peggy asked. 

"Sounds good." Steve replied. Marissa slowly started to walk away to the counter while Peggy started talking with Bucky and Steve. Marissa got a bottle as she turned around to watch the boys with a soft smile. She smiled a little as she took a sip thinking. She turned around to finish her drink when she felt a pair of eyes on her. She was nervous to turn around so when she finished the bottle she went to head out the door while she looked at the two men that was looking at her. She smiled a bit at them as she walked out to her tent to get some sleep for the night. 

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