Knocking on door, final battle and waking up 70 years later

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The two rode straight to the base starting to fight off Hydra soldiers for as long as they could. The two continued fighting long enough until some hydra soldiers started firing flame throwers surrounding them. The soldiers took them in to Johann who was waiting for them. "Arrogance may not be a uniquely American trait, but I must say you do it better than anyone. But there are limits to what even you can do, Captain. Or did Erskine tell you otherwise?" Johann told him. She just remained silent looking at them. 

"He told me you were insane." Steve replied. 

"Ah. He resented my genius and tried to deny me what was rightfully mine. But he gave you everything. So, what made you so special?" Johann asked while he started beating Steve up. He stopped letting him answer. 

"Nothin'. I'm just a kid from Brooklyn." Steve answered. Johann went back to beating him up and stopped. While this was all going on she felt small pieces of glass started falling from her but nothing too bad. "I can do this all day." He told him. 

"Oh, of course you can. Of course. But unfortunately I am on a tight schedule." Johann told him. He picked up a cube energized pistol about to shoot him while she continues to fall apart secretly. 

"So are we!" He yelled as his team broke through the windows. Marissa fell apart all the way and came back out of their arms quickly before helping Steve get free. Everyone started fighting hydra soldiers while Johann started walking away. 

"Rogers! You might need this!" James yelled while he threw the shield to him. Steve caught it while the two started running after Johann. 

"Thanks!" Steve yelled back while he ran. While they were chasing him a hydra soldier with a flame thrower showed up. Before he fired, Marissa made a shield out of glass. While fire was hitting her glass shield causing it to melt more and more Peggy came up behind the soldier and shot him in the head. The glass went back to normal while they walked up to Peggy. "You're late." He told her. 

"Weren't you two just...." Peggy started. 

"Right." Steve said. The two went back to running after Johann. While running Schmidt got on a Valkyrie. So the two stopped right before Colonel Phillips and Peggy came up in a car. The two got in the car before it started driving after the Valkyrie. 

"Keep it steady!" Marissa yelled as the two got ready to leap out the two jumped out when they got close enough landing inside Valkyrie. The two looked around while quietly walked looking. The two started fighting more soldiers before they go into some bombs close to the U.S. Steve got to them stopping them while Marissa fought a solider inside. He helped her right  before they headed to the the cockpit seeing nothing. Johann came out behind them causing the two to turn around looking at him. 

"You don't give up do you!" He yelled. 

"Nope!" He yelled back. The three started fighting more. 

"You could have the power of the gods! Yet you wear a flag on your chest and think you fight a battle of nations! I have seen the future, Captain! There are no flags!" He yelled. 

"Not my future!" He yelled. Steve flung his shield into the Schmidt causing him to run into the cube council causing the plane to get out of control. She watched as Schmidt picked up the cube and dies angered before the cube melted a hole and falling into the ocean before the two heading the plane controls. He talked to Peggy on the speaker before she turned Steve to her. He looked at her while looking at the ground he's about to force the plane into. She smiled a little bit before she surprisingly kissed his lips before the plane crashed and all lights went out for both of them. 

70 years later... 

Marissa is awake and moving walking through town thinking deeply she doesn't know what will happen next nor does she know about Steve or that he is still alive. She went to an apartment to rent one with what cash she has left just to rest some more while thinking about that day. She just closed her eyes not expecting what will happen soon enough....

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