And I Kept It

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The police caught you in McDonald's.
You had no choice but to face the courts and was separated form each other again.
This time, it was worse.
Doors were locked, windows were baracaded and you couldn't leave your rooms.

But your parents had enough of this behaviour.

The only time you got to see Roger was in court.
You couldn't bare to be so close yet so far from him.
You had never wanted to hug someone more then you did when your were in court.
And everytime you entered that room, you began to cry.
It set him of to but he was better at hiding it.
You couldn't help but notice, that his cut was still bad so it led you to wonder if he kept cutting it to self harm.

After confessing everything that had happen, it was your final trial at court.

To both of your susprise, you received community service for a year as it was self defense.

You cried in relief and tiredness.
So did your mother's.

The following morning, you mother woke you up with a smile on her face.

That's a first.

'Darling, we're allowing you to go outside today.'
You sat up confused.
Eithout thinking, you got up and left the house not caring for the rain or the fact you were still in your pyjamas.

As you arrived at his house, you began to walk slowly and noticed someone walk out of the door.

You saw him there looking around.
You sigehd and cried walking a bit fast towards him.
He then noticed you running to you.

He picked you up and hugged you so tightly like you had never hugged before.
You both were crying not daring to let one another ago.

After a few minutes, he placed you back down and kissed you whilst holding you face.
You pulled him closer by his neck and kissed him ever so passionately.

'I thought I would never see you again.'
You say whipping his tears away.
'Me neither, I love you so much.'
'I love you more.'
You hugged him again and continued to cry.
'Community serive isn't that bad is it?'
You asked.
'No my love, I told you we would get through this together.'
'I know you did.'
He kissed you again not letting for a while.

'I made I promise...

and I kept it.'

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