The Beginning To Our Problem

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The following morning, you awoke in Rogers arms. He was so warm and you were so comfortable. He had buried his face into the back of your neck and his arms were holding you so tightly yet tender.
You hands were place on top of his caressing his fingers.
He soon woke up and slowly moved away. You didn't like this not one bit but you couldn't say anything.

After breakfast, you left the hotel and drove of to find a house you could crash. You were most excited about this, Roger just looked nervous and scared almost.

'Roger stop worrying please.'
'We're about to crash someones House. How can I not be scared, what if they're home and they call the police.'
'Oh please. We'll make sure no one's home. We'll have to wait till night anyway.'
'Because then we can look through windows and no one will see us.'
'As sick as that sounds, it's kind of smart.'
'I know.'

After driving for a round an hour Roger realised the car needed more petrol.
'Fuck. We need more petrol.'
'We'll stop of at the next petrol station... Where's all our cash gone?'
'I don't know I must have spent it all on your necklace.'
'Shit we don't have any money.'
'I'll figure something out.'
'Like what?'
'Roger, just drive.'

You soon found a petrol station and Roger got out of the car to fill it up.
You continued to search the car but only found 2 hairbands and an empty water bottle.
You slowly rolled down the window.
'Roger love?' You said innocently.
'You're getting in the passanger seat.'
'Nice try but no.'
'Yes and do it quickly I'm not Fucking about.'
'Alright alright.'
He quickly got into the car and you said.
'Forgive me for this.'

You drove of pushing the excelorator as hard as you could.
You drove of leaving Roger in shock.
'What the fuck Y/n.'
'What we had no money.'
'That's not the point.'
'What did you think I was going to do?'
'I don't know just not this.'

When he was made it you it made you feel quilty. You didn't like it when he wouldn't talk to you for a while. It made you feel like you had disappointed him which was an off putting feeling.

'I'm sorry.' You said.
'It's ok.'
'I just don't like to see you mad at me. It kills me every time.'
He chuckled causing you to smile.

Around 9pm, you came across a large town in the middle of the woods. It was quiet and right on the edge you found a house where all the lights were off.

You took Roger round the back to look through the windows. No one was there. There were piles of letters in their letter box and the flowers looked like they needed some water.

You picked up a brick and handed it to Roger.
'Open the window.'
'With this? No way.'
'Yes way now hurrry.'

He threw the rock at the window that was next to the door.
Once he had finished, you reached your hand into the window to unlock the door...

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