Perhaps This Is The End?

43 5 18

You say putting your bra on.
'God, you must be hungry.'
'Only for you my love.'
He said then kissed your cheek.

After you had gotten dressed, you decided to find a bakery for breakfast.

Before you left, You sat on the bonnet of the car looking at the sea. Roger stood beside you then kissed your cheek.
'What's wrong love?'
You smiled at him.
'Just thinking.'
You added kissing him on the forehead.
He held you around your waist and you did the same but around his neck.

But you had lied.
Something was wrong.
You didn't know whether you wanted to run away with him again or go back and face the truth.

Either way, there would be consequences.

'Shall we go?'
He asked squeezing your waist.
'Yeah. Are you driving?'
You rolled your eyes at him then he pulled you in so he could kiss you.
He then let go.
'Round three?'
You hit him playfully on the arm whislt saying
'Fuck off.'
You laughed and climbed into the car.
'What I'm being serious.'

A little while later, you had found a small village.
'Stay here, I'll go in.' Roger said getting out of the car.

He had been in there for about 5 minutes until you noticed police cars behind you.
'Shit. Shit. Shit.'

You climbed across to the drivers seat then got out running into the bakery.
'They're here we need to run.'
You grabbed him by the arm dropping the pastires and pulled him outside.

You began to run and the police officers got out of the car to chase you.

Time felt slow and limited.
There was no getting away now.
You kept thinking.
Looking at Roger beside you looking just as nervous as you were.
You didn't want to do this but you didn't want to have to face the court.

You soon came across a bridge.
The police were pretty far behind so Roger cut across from you jumping of the bridge into the water.
'I can't.'
'Yes you can.'
'Rog I can't.'
'Yes you can my love. I'll be here.'
'Rog I can't swim.'
'I'll catch you.'
You stepped back looking at the police who were searching for you.
You stood up on the edge of the bridge and took one deep breath looking ad Roger.

Then you jumped.
As you entered the water, you felt the adrenaline rush through you.
You came back up gasping for air.
He swam over to you then took you into his arms.
'It's ok, you're ok.'
He led you further under the bridge onto a musd slope.
You tucked yourselves away and he held you in his arms telling you to be quiet as you were crying.

You could hear them above you hoping they hadn't seen you.

You sat there for over an hour not daring to move.
He then lifted your head up.
'I'm sorry Y/n.'
'Roger why?'
'We needed to get away that was the only option.'
'No we could have just handed ourselves in.'
'Well if you want to, go ahead.'
He got up and swam towards the sea.
'Roger please.'
He ignored you and continued to swim.

You walked the bridge and sat on the sand still completely drenched.
He then came over to you and sat beside you.
'Do you want to hand yourself in?'
'No, not really.'
'Do you want to go?'

You stood up and opened your hand out for him to take it.
He looked at you then at your hand and pulled himslef up, taking your hand.

You walked back to the car and drove off not saying a word to one another.

'Are you still hungry?'
He asked whislt sat in traffic.
'A bit yeah.'
'How about Mcdonalds?'
'Sure, I don't see why not.'
He smiled at you and so you gave him a faint smile.
'I'm sorry Y/n.'
'I know you are. I'm sorry for being such a bitch about it.'
'You had all the right to. I love you.'
'I love you to.'

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