I Love London Town Pt.1

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He took the drivers seat again insisting he drives no matter where you go. You didn't know why, but he just wanted to.

'Where are we going now?' You asked breaking the silence between you.
'I don't know. Where do you want to go?'
'I've always wanted to go to London. Not to spend money in as it's fat to expensive but just to walk around.'
'Ok, I don't see why we shouldn't go.'
'Then drive.'

You sat in silence watching the world around a you whilst the radio was on a low volume.
All the windows were down so the breeze was nice alongside the weather.
It was nice just to be in his company and it didn't feel awkward not to talk to one another.

You wanted to tell him that you heard what he said and you wanted to tell him how you truly feel.
You wanted to hug him so tightly and close.
You wanted to kiss him so passionately and tender.
You wanted to stare into his eyes and never look away.
You wanted nothing more then him.

Him and only him.

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