Fuck This Shit

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Back at home, your parents had been trying to contact you in any way possible.

They had informed the police that you were missing and they sent a search rescue to find you both.

In the meantime, the investigation of George's murder took place.
Having found your necklace in the house, they used it as evidence and soon found yours and Rogers finger prints on the necklace.

The police had informed your parents about the fingerprints and the murder.

They were in disbelief and couldn't believe what they had been told.
They were taken in to questioning for their disappearence.

The following morning, you awoke in Rogers arm. You turned around to see he was awake and playing with your hair.

'Morning love.' He said.
'Morning. How long have you been awake for?'
'Not to long, I just didn't want to wake you.'

You kissed his forehead.

Roger turned the TV on instently regretting it.

Right there was a picture of the two of you.
You looked at each other in shock.
Then it showed a picture of the necklace.
'Fuck, my necklace.' You say.
'Shit. Y/n what do we do?'
'I don't know but everyone knows now about everything.'
'Fuck we need to leave.'
'What if the receptionist sees us?'
'She won't, we'll just leave straight away.'

You began to cry.
He walked over to you.
'Hey, hey listen to me. Everything will be OK and like you said, it was self defense.'
'I know. And your neck, it's proof.'
You say gently running your fingers along the cut.

He kissed you and then hugged you.
You wanted to fuck him right there as his bare skin pressed against your body.

Instead, you both quickly packed your stuff and left.

As you entered the desk area, you quickly ran out of the door into the car.

He drove of before you even closed the door.
'Jesus.' You say.
'Sorry love.'
'Are we handing our selves in or what?'
'No. Yes. I don't know it's up to you.'
'I don't know either. I'm just thinking about how all the kids in our school will know. And our family. And everyone we pass in the street, we're not getting away from this.'
'Y/n, everything will be OK I promise you.'
'You can't promise anything.'
'I know but I'll try to.'

Fuck This ShitМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя