
And Alexa run towards us, to me, embracing me tight. You may be asking how did I know Alexa? Alexa is Lauren's long term PA, it was her that helped me surprised Lauren at her first concert, after that concert we remain our communication.

"You still look beautiful."

"Don't talk like that."

"Hey, if you're worried about this," and caress the burn scar at the side of my face, "don't be, be proud of it and you're still gorgeous, sexy as hell," she said while looking at me up and down.

And I chuckled shaking my head.

"Oh Mila," "Jauregui fam," "this is Ally Hernandez, one of the highest member of the label where Lauren signed," "Allycat this is Lauren's family, Mama C, Papa M, Chris and Taylor, Camila Cabello, the original girlfriend and their twins, Lance and Camille."

Ally greeted us and gave us each a hug, took longer with mine.

"You're beautiful in personal," Ally said with a toothy smile, her eyes is sparkling while looking at me.

"Thank you."

"Oh hello..."

"Hi!" the twins greeted.

"Hmm the boy, exactly like Lauren and this girl, staring at me like Lauren, doppelganger of you."


"I really want to spend much time of you but we need to hurry because Lauren is expecting me, she's having a press conference after lunch, if I didn't make it in time she surely wonder, Alexa here will assist you throughout the way and she already knew what to do, come on now."

It was really a 25mins ride and Alexa checked us in to the hotel, giving us a family suite 4 rooms with each bathroom.

"This is the only family suite that is close to what looks like to your house in Miami, you're staying with Lauren's family, right?"

"Yes, we are, Lauren don't want us to rent an apartment for the meantime, she wanted us close to her family until she came back."

"That'll be a good option actually, let Lauren pamper you, you deserve that."

"She already did," and I receive her smile.

"That's good," "okay, family, later at 3pm someone will come up here to fit you up that is themed to Lauren's concert, she didn't know about this, this'll be a surprise, the day after tomorrow we timed it because I know Lauren will time it too, we arrange again a family suite together with her, that'll be expected by her but of course she'll be at the dome 2hrs earlier before the time of her concert, 30mins before the concert you'll be escorted to your seats."

"Uhm why we need to be fitted up, this is a concert, right?"

It was Taylor who asked that makes me wonder too.

"It's because you'll join her to the stage, singing this," and handed a paper to me.

I looked down and saw it was a song lyrics then I passed it towards Taylor then passed it to her brother then to his parents.

"It's a song of Lauren that Simon declined she really wanted that song to add up on her 1st album to complete the message, she throw it up because of frustration and anger towards Simon."

"He'll get mad if we sang this, we don't want our Lauren to get in trouble."

I nodded with worry.

"Well Mama C, how can he get mad if he's not at the label anymore and also Ally already give me a thumbs up, Ally and the others kicked him out because he's getting out of hand, passing through the boundaries, I know you don't want to talk about her former manager, you know who that is, he's the one who put her to Lauren without passing a screen test to Ally, anyways it's not important anymore, that's in the past that will not need to discuss for us to move on, right?"

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