Finn's POV
I was arranging a meeting when I received a phone call from Elena, "Elena?" I asked.
"Finn," she cried.
"Elena, what's wrong?" I asked quickly.
"Are you busy?" She cried.
I looked to the most important people in my business and sighed, "No, I'm not busy. Where are you?"
The men all looked surprised and quite concerned, but I quickly blew them off and they walked slowly out of my office.
"I'm at my house, can you meet me at the Grill?" She asked.
"Of course. Meet me in 10?" I replied.
"Yeah, okay. Thank you, Finn." She cried.
She ended the call and I quickly stood up and walked towards the door of my office, as I walked briskly down the stairs I bumped into Kol.
"What's got you rushing around?" He asked, with a smirk.
I thought that the reason Elena was so upset, could of been because of Kol, so I decided to not mention anything about her.
"Meetings been rescheduled," I spat out.
"I thought the meeting was here?" He asked, narrowing his eyebrows.
"Yes, it was. Another meeting,"
"Oh, okay." He replied, not believing anything I was saying.
I smiled faintly and finished putting on my blazer, as I walked past him and out of the front door. I darted towards my car and quickly started the engine. I was at The Grill waiting for Elena in the matter of 5 minutes, she arrived a few minutes later. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were stained with tears.
I stood up and opened my arms, she walked quickly towards me and fell into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her. I could feel her tears soaking my shirt.
"I'm sorry," said Elena, as she pushed herself off of me.
"It's fine, now what's wrong?" I asked.
She sighed and walked over to the booth I was sitting at originally, and sat down.
"I never should of told Elijah how I felt," she said quietly, as I sat down opposite her.
"When?" I asked.
Surely she didn't mean the time when she first told him she loved him?
"The time I first told him, actually I shouldn't of allowed him to compel it out of me."
But if that never happened, we wouldn't of become friends?
"Because I wouldn't of also fell for Kol and Klaus, I wouldn't of wasted these few months worrying about how to act in front of them, and I wouldn't of ended up pregnant."
Wait, she's pregnant?
I stared at her face, her now worried face and listened carefully. There were two heartbeats coming from Elena and it definitely wasn't from the couple in the booth beside us.
"You're pregnant," I said, with a smile appearing.
The worry on her face dropped and it was replaced with relief and a smile.
"Who's the father?" I asked.
"Supposedly Elijah, but I don't know anymore," she said, as the smile on her face disappeared and she looked down to her hands on her lap, "Finn, have you ever compelled me?"
"No," I replied.
She looked back up and smiled faintly before looking back down, "I think someone has," she said quietly.
"Because someone told me the baby's Klaus', but I can't remember being with him like that?"
"Are you on vervain?"
She looked up to me and said, " I think so?"
"What do you mean, you think so?"
"I know I'm on it, but I can't remember taking it?"
I leant forward and stared deep into her beautiful eyes, "Elena, stab me in the hand with a fork."
Without breaking the stare, Elena picked up a fork and plunged it deep into my hand proving she wasn't on vervain. Elena quickly tore her eyes away from mine and apologised over and over again as she ripped the fork out.
"So, I'm not on vervain," She mumbled as she wiped the bloody fork, "How long do you think I've been off it?"
"Elena, I think the question is who took you off it?" I corrected, as I rubbed away the marks left on my hand by the fork.
"I think I have an idea who," she said angrily.
Before I could say anything else, Elena stood up and walked towards the door. I quickly ran after her and told her to get into my car, she hesitated but after a couple of minutes she agreed into letting me help.
"So, where are we going?" I asked, when we were both ready to drive off.
"My house," she said robotically.
I nodded and quickly pushed my foot down on the accelerator, Elena smiled as she felt a rush of excitement flow through her as I drove faster.
When we got to her house, she quickly took off her seatbelt and vamp-ran out of the car and to her front door. I quickly followed and joined her as she angrily opened the door. Klaus and Elijah then came running downstairs to us, "Why are you two here?" I asked.
"Why are you here?" Asked Klaus.
"Elena, where did you go?" Asked Elijah.
"I needed to speak to Finn," she replied.
"How did you go without us hearing?" Asked Klaus.
"I jumped out of my window," she shrugged.
I smiled at her reply and stood closer to Elena, "Now, Elena. Which one of these did it?" I asked.
"Did what?" Asked a sleepy Jeremy, as he came wondering into the hall.
"Someone took me off vervain," she replied angrily.
No one moved or made any sudden noises, resulting in Elena to get angrier.
"Which one of you did it?" Asked Jeremy, looking towards Klaus and Elijah.
"And why do you assume it's us, couldn't it be you?" Asked Klaus.
"Why would I put my sister in danger like that, especially when she's hanging around with vampires who can compel vampires?"
"I don't know, didn't you kill her before?"
"And didn't you drain her of her blood before?"
Klaus clenched his jaw and took an angry step towards Jeremy, as well as Jeremy edging closer towards him. But before one of them could do anything else, I quickly stood in front of Jeremy guarding him from Klaus. I smiled cheekily at Klaus and told him to calm down.
"I am calm," he said sheepishly, as he backed down.
Everyone then went back to staring at Elena, but I could tell she was getting more and more angrier.
"Elena, do you want to go upstairs?" I asked, as I stood directly in front of her.
She blinked repeatedly before nodding, I grabbed her hand and led her to her room, ignoring the stares from everyone else.

"If you know who it is, then why aren't you confronting them?" I asked, when we were sitting on her bed.
"Because I want them to own up to it," she replied angrily.
I laughed dryly and said, "Yeah, like that's going to happen."
Elena dropped her angry look and started to laugh.
"You ready to go back down?" I asked.
"Sure," she shrugged.
I smiled and we both stood up, and walked back downstairs. Klaus, Elijah and Jeremy were all sitting nervously in the front room, waiting for us to return. When they saw us coming, they all quickly stood up and Klaus and Jeremy quickly tried to prove their innocence. Elijah was just standing still, looking at Elena.
"I know which one of you did it and I also know who's the father to my baby," said Elena bravely.
Everyone fell silent and looked wide eyed towards Elena, "What do you mean?" Asked Jeremy.
"Of course I know it's not you, Jer. The person who took me off vervain, is the father to my baby." She replied.
"But then that means.." trailed off Elijah.
"I'm the father?" Asked Klaus.

I know it's getting confusing, sorry! But I'll be ending it soon and starting a new story x

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