Losing Powers And Fixing Ghost Portal

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It is now time for me to go back into the portal and repeat my mistake to get rid of my powers😭😭😭😭. My parents let Sam and Tucker to come and say goodbye to Danny Phantom. I have an album of photos from the glory days but my parents are also gonna make me burn/get rid of all those except the ones of me as Danny Fenton. Tucker had them on his computer but they made him delete them yesterday too😢. Early this morning I made copies of the photos to make a fake album to burn but I just knew that Sam wouldn't be able to handle not ever seeing a picture of me in Ghost form again so I brought down the album to give to her. They were sitting on a chair staring at me with tears in their eyes but Samantha was crying the most. As soon as I stepped in Sam yelled "WAIT DANNY!! Mr. and Mrs. Fenton is it OK if I just have one last quick moment alone with Danny phantom?"

My mom said yes but my dad was suspicious thinking I'd use my powers to run away but luckily he finally believed me after telling him I wouldn't 10 times. As soon as they left I turned around to Sam and started to say "what did you..." when suddenly she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. Then Sam started crying 10 times harder and said "I'm REALLY gonna miss you Danny Phantom. I loved hanging out with you and all the ghost fighting we did together with Tucker!!!"

I wasn't sure if I should tell her that I was gonna try to get my powers back cause there was a chance that I wouldn't. In the end I said "Don't worry Sam. It's ok. I'm really gonna miss Danny Phantom too. I also have something that I really think you should keep." As I went to the corner of the room and took out the album.

"No Danny...I can't! Those pictures belong to you and will keep you happy!" She said still crying.

"I made a fake one to burn tonight but I really think you need the original one. I still feel like I'm on the love spell Ember put me on." I said with a wink. Then Sam agreed to take the album and snuck it into her purse. I called into the next room "OK. We're done and I'm ready to lose my powers!" And Sam started to cry a little again as they walked back in. Samantha started crying harder as I walked back into the portal as Danny Phantom again and I could also see Jazz and Tucker crying a little. I gave a little wave goodbye and pressed the on button from inside😭😭😭😭. When I woke up I was Danny Fenton again and my hair was all black this time unlike the last time when I did it and I had a stripe of white in my hair still. I was in the living room next to Jazz and she said "Hi Danny." Looking pretty sad. "Where's mom and dad?" I asked.
"They're downstairs taking apart the ghost portal into separate pieces." She said and then I rushed downstairs.
My parents were unscrewing every part of the ghost portal and there were screws and metal parts all over the floor.
"What are you gonna do with the pieces?" I asked.
"Your father wants to burn them as soon as they're taken apart but this metal doesn't burn or break easily so I don't think it will do anything to it." said my mom.
"yeah. We're just gonna leave the parts here and lock them in a big safe that we'll bury so nobody can get to them." said dad.
A few hours later they finished taking apart the portal and were putting all the pieces into a big number lock safe. Jazz and I secretly watched feeling pretty depressed and I was wishing I still had my ghost powers. When they finished my dad said "Hey sweetheart what should we make the code?"
"How about the year we created it?" My mom said excitedly. My dad nodded and then they set the code. I knew that year was 2004 cause I was 14 then. When they finished my dad said "OK. Now it's time to find a good place to buy this. Just don't let Jazz or Danny find out. I want it to be a secret." My mom agreed and Jazz and I agreed to stay in the basement while they buried it but they weren't doing it yet. When they went to the top of the stairs I heard my mom whisper to my dad "No honey. We shouldn't drive out to Wisconsin and bury it there. I also don't want to leave town. I don't wanna leave Danny and Jazz alone that long."
I knew that they were probably gonna bury the safe pretty deeply and it would be hard to find so I would probably need to use a metal detector. I think Tucker might have one so I texted him. I wrote "Hey Tuck. I'm sorry I made you guys sad today. I was just wondering if you had a metal detector I could borrow just for tonight."
A few minutes later he wrote back "Yeah. I have one that's a little old but still works good. I'm still really sad that you had to lose your powers and that you're moving😭😭😭."
I told Tucker to hide it by the moving truck in front of our house and he should avoid my parents seeing him if they were there. I said I'd bring it back tomorrow morning before we left. When Tucker asked why I needed it I just said I wanted to see if there was any cool things in the ground before leaving and he believed me.

That night when everyone else was asleep I snuck out to the moving van with a shovel and found the metal detector. I went walking around the front and back lawn but only a few little signals were coming up. There was another place in town that I am thinking it could be buried by since they took a while but I wasn't sure. The statues of me saving the world are gone now after things have gotten more serious but Amity park kept the one we have in the middle of town. Maybe they buried it by there. After taking one more quick look around the lawn I ran down to the statue by the town hall. I put the metal detector by it and it started to go crazy!!!! I guess I was right about where they hid it😉.
"Hey Fenton. What are you doing here out so late at night?" I heard someone say from behind. I immediately turned off the metal detector and turned around. It was Dash and Paulina staring at me.
"I thought I'd just get one more look of me in my ghost form before leaving." I said feeling and looking depressed. They also looked sad too.
"Yeah. We're gonna miss the half ghost half nerd that saved the world and our town a million times." Dash said and Paulina suddenly cried and said "I'm sorry for attacking you so much Danny."
"It's ok. I'm fine." I said and then I walked away a little and so did they. As soon as Dash and Paulina were out of sight I took out the metal detector and dug up where it was going off. I was right about the safe being hidden there. Then I went back home with the heavy thing and hid it under my boxes in the moving van.

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