DANNY-Moving To A New House And Rebuilding Portal

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The morning after I got the pieces of the ghost portal I also snuck down to the basement to get the tools to put it back together with. I checked my room to make sure I didn't miss any of my real stuff and luckily I didn't. Then I remembered that I still needed to return Tucker's metal detector and I also wanted to say goodbye so I went up to mom and said "Is it ok if I quickly run over to Sam and Tucker to say goodbye before we leave? Don't worry I won't run away to live with them." I said.
"OK." She responded and first I headed out to Tucker's house with the metal detector. I gave it back to him and he gave me a big hug and was crying and saying he was sure gonna miss me. I hugged him back and said I'd text him every day and that made him feel a little happier. Next I went to Sam's house and she acted in the same way but was 1000 times more sadder and depressed.
"I'm gonna be looking at those photos of the album every day to remember Danny Phantom and how much fun we had together." She said with tears in her eyes. I still wasn't sure if I should make her feel better by telling her that I was planning on rebuilding the portal. In the end I just gave her another hug and said
"Don't worry Sam. I'll call and text you 24/7 and you can call me whenever you want. I've always secretly loved you." I was blushing a little
"So have I!!!" She yelled sadly and then we gave each other another big kiss and I left.
A few hours later everything was packed and we headed out to the airport. We're gonna take a long one stop plane ride to Mississippi and our moving truck and car is arriving maybe a week after we do. At least I'll get more time to know the place and find somewhere to rebuild the portal.
Luckily they let me have the window seat but I was just sitting there staring at the clouds for the whole 3 hour flight wishing I still had my powers and thinking of the ghost zone.
When we arrived at the Mississippi airport my parents rented a car and we went to the house in Myrtle.
When we got to the house We went in and introduced ourselves and then I asked Mr. And Mrs. Spirat to show us where in the house we were staying. Mr. Spirat said there were 2 rooms in the basement and one has 2 beds.  Dad said that Jazz and I should go down and decide which bed we wanted. While our parents stayed upstairs with the Spirats we went down and Jazz let me have the bed that was a little bigger in the smaller room. There was another room with a bigger bed next to ours for our parents, and next to the bottom of the stairs there was another room but it was locked.
"I wonder if their daughters will be home soon." I said to Jazz who was sitting on the couch in the small living room that we might replace.  There was a small TV(another thing we might replace) in front of the couch so Jazz and I just hung out watching it while our parents were upstairs talking. Around an hour later we heard girls voices from upstairs. We went up to see 2 very confused teenage girls looking at my parents and us. "Hey girls. This Mr. And Mrs. Fenton's kids." Said Mrs. Spirat.
"My name is Jasmine but you can call me Jazz and this is my little brother Danny!" Jazz said patting me on my head.
"Hey! I'm not 5 years old anymore Jazz." I said pushing her away.
"I'm Sabrina and this is my little sister Lillian..." said the older girl when Lillian interrupted and said "you can call me Lily!" In a cute voice. Sabrina doesn't look anything like her sister or father. She has brunette hair and blue eyes while her sister and father had black hair and brown eyes. I wasn't sure if she was adopted but I knew it would be impolite to ask.

My parents explained where we came from and about our previous jobs. This sure scared Lily but Sabrina was interested.
"Please don't talk about the ghost hunting in front of Lily." Said Mrs. Spirat.
"Sure!" We said.
When the Spirats went downstairs with my parents to show them around more and we went into the living room and Sabrina asked questions about the ghost hunting. I brought up the topic of the ghost boy a lot but Jazz really broke the rules and brought up the scary story of when Spectra almost killed her. Lily ran into the next room looking terrified but Sabrina is only amazed by these stories.

At dinner Mr. and Mrs. Spirat went through the rules of the house. For example we couldn't come upstairs after 8:30 or take anything from their fridge without asking. Mr. Spirat also talked to Sabrina about her report card and seemed pretty upset about the English grade.
Sabrina got mad when I mispronounced their last name (SPEAR-rat instead of SPYrat) so hopefully I can remember.

It's now been around a week since we moved in and my parents have been working at a lab as scientists.
One day when I was on a walk I noticed a scary looking abandoned house. I double checked with Sabrina to make sure that nobody lived there and as soon as she told me that nobody did I knew that would be the spot to rebuild the portal.
Today the moving truck arrived so I hid the boxes under my bed while unpacking my other belongings. Luckily the beds are comfortable since we didn't bring our old ones. That night I immediately moved the boxes over and started to rebuild the portal. Now every night I sneak out and keep on fixing the pieces and using the tools to put it back together but it's not easy.
After a few weeks I'm almost done and other things have been going on. The girls are out of school and home most of the time but my parents and theirs still go to work. Lily also goes to her dancing class.
Jazz has made a new friend to hang out with named Dakotah but I still haven't met anyone and miss Tucker and Sam. I still have their phone numbers and have been calling them sometimes on my new cell phone. They sure miss me too. Sabrina also introduced me to her best friend named Olivia who's on vacation now. She seemed pretty interested in my parent's ghost fighting past.
I think that tonight might be the night I am finishing the Ghost portal. For the next couple hours I played around with all the cords and tried the plug a few times but it didn't work. Then it hit me... "DUH!!! That's how I got my powers! I turn it on from the inside (luckily I built it with the switch on the inside)!!!!!!" I thought. So I plugged in the portal, slowly walked in and then hit the on switch.
Suddenly I felt the zap again and my body changed. I'm pretty sure I passed out for a few minutes like last time but when I woke up I had snow white hair and glowing green eyes just like the old days.
I was too happy. Now that it was on I wanted to get the portal back to the Spirat's house so I could watch it and use my powers to punch the ghosts that came out again. Then I realized that since the rooms in the basement was mostly underground I would have to phase it through the ground and then plug it into one(maybe the one by the staircase now that I can phase through the door). I knew that it would be strong enough to be underground cause that's how my parents built it at our old house.
It was getting pretty late but luckily I had just enough time to check out the room and luckily it was empty. The next morning I plugged in the portal and rebuilt the on/off switch so it's on the outside. I also installed a code for locking the portal. To make it so I could hide the portal without any dirt passing through when I made it intangible again I connected it to one of the trees in their yard. To hide it I turn the tree and the portal intangible and then slide it into the wall just enough for it to disappear. Luckily neither the tree or portal is harmed and nothing falls inside it when I slide it back in.

The Girl Who Cried Ghost (PART 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن