10. Breakdown

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As much as Daniel wanted to chase Jenny, he couldn't. FP2 was about to start and he couldn't miss that. 

When free practice 2 was over, he rushed to his room changed and got his car keys. He went straight to the hotel to go to Jenny and he didn't even go to the interviews. 

Danny went straight to Jenny's room.
*Knock on door
"Who's there?" Jenny asked 
"It is Daniel, and before you say anything please let me explain. Please open the door"
Jenny hesitated but opened the door. 
"Come in I Guess"
Danny looked at her and saw that she had puffy eyes from crying. 

D: "Look Jenny, I know this won't make things any better but it wasn't me who posted the picture on Instagram. Ever since the incident with the media, the team decided it was best that someone else managed my social media. They saw this as a positive thing, as good publicity, me with a girl and they posted it without asking it. I am so sorry I should have talked to the team..."

J: "so that is all I am GOOD PUBLICITY ? (Jenny shook her head) 

D: "to them maybe, all they want to do is clear my name, but not to me. I see you for who you are."

J: "I have gotten over 30K followers the past few weeks and Danny you know I don't care wtf just happened. I don't care about that shit and you know that. They are all saying we are dating while in reality I don't even know you. I just want you to open the F up to me. Because of you, people start wanting things from me and you don't hear me complaining for god sake, all i want is you to be honest and real to me instead of giving me that rehearsed side of you. Twice now I started to like you we build  things up to break it down..."

it was quiet for a long minute when Daniel looked up with tears in his eyes. 

D: "Jenny I.... I'm .... I don't ...."

Danny couldn't finish his sentence and Jenny rushed to him and give him a big long hug.

J: "He, it's okay. let it out, I can sense that you have held this in for way to long."

after a while Danny started to calm down and started to talk

D: "okey you want me to open up? then here is everything you need to know. I am lonely and haven't seen my family in over 2 years due to this stupid virus. Everyone expects me to always smile but in reality I can't........ and now I met you and made your life horrible, while in reality I like you and want to be with you but I know I could never because I will make you miserable with all that stupid media attention.  

J: "he.. it is okay. We will talk about it after this weekend. You have to focus on racing and I... I just need some time to process all this. I went from being a nobody to being followed by thousands of people, and I just need to evaluate things... I wont come to the circuit but I will be cheering you on from my hotel room. I think that is better for now..."

As Danny left her room, she broke down. She was so strong during the conversation but it was all getting to her at this moment. 

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