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I sit beside my dad at the dinner table with the lady, who was apparently my auntie, across from us.

It was so awkward and quiet that I could hear the ice cubes melting in the water that dad set out for all of us.

I kept my focus on my lap while I felt her eyes on me.

Out of anxiousness, I grabbed my water and took a couple gulps to ease the sudden dryness in my throat.

"So, Leah, I heard that you like basketball" she speaks as I lift my head up, she opens her large designer bag and pulls out the newest version of an apple iPad.

She hands it to me as I softly grab it, "On there you will find a book by Phil Jackson... called 'Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success',"

I look at the iPad in amazement, forgetting the old one in my room, "Yeah, I love that book"

Miya's eyes slightly widen and she wears a small smile, "You're saying that you've read it?"

"Yeah, but I've moved on to players instead of coaches now" I answer and read the back of the box.

"Don't forget your manners," Dad says from beside me.

I look at Miya and can't help but imagine that she's my mom, "Thanks..." I trail off because she hasn't told me her name.

"Auntie or Miya will do just fine" She says before she leans closer to me, "There's so much more on there. Books that I know you'll find interesting and-"

"Yes," Dad interferes from beside me, "... but it's a school night and Leah needs to recover from practicing. What a surprise though, right?"

"Say 'goodnight' to auntie Miya or Miya" He says before standing up to show her the way out.

I look at Miya, "Good night"

She nods and follows him out. it's silent again before I stand up and look out the kitchen window to see them talking.

It looked like it wasn't a casual and 'glad to see you again' conversation, I could see the tension in their forms.

I sighed and rubbed my oncoming headache.

My mother had a twin that I had no idea about. We relatively looked the same and I kept questioning why no one told me about her.

I took out my phone to look at the time, practice was over by now as I opened my contacts and looked for their name.

I pressed the call button and they picked up,

"Hey, are you free?"


"When my dad came back in, he immediately went to his study and shut the door," I finish everything that happened an hour ago to Taehyung who sits beside me on the swinging porch chair in my backyard.

"Wow," He spoke, "I don't think they were happy to see each other"

I nodded as he spoke again, "I don't think this will be the last time that they'll see each other again"

I groan, "I don't think I could handle seeing her again, she looks like my mother in the pictures, just a little older"

He snorts, "Well, she is your mothers twin"

I scoff and punch his shoulder, "You know what I mean"

He chuckled but agrees, he had an understanding of what I was going through.

We go into a comfortable silence as he continues to rock the chair. I grab an apple slice and bring it up to my mouth when he speaks again.

"If you don't mind me asking... what happened to your parents?" Taehyung asked as he looked sincerely at me.

My hand stopped it's movement, the apple slice I was holding pressed against my mouth. I sighed and set my hand down.

"My mother died when I was an infant, her car was bumped from a bridge into a lake... she drowned" I answered quietly.

Taehyung stopped swinging the chair and slumped down into his seat before frowning, "I-I'm sorry, Leah"

I sighed and shook my head, "It's okay. It was a long time ago"

It went quiet again before he asked,

"And... your father?"

"Uh, I don't really remember much of him but I do remember Namjoon telling me when I was younger that he was serving in the military and he died on duty" I answered with a shrug.

I kind of felt awkward when it went quiet again. I felt like I was dumping all of my trauma onto him.

"Can I be honest with you?" I asked as he immediately nodded.

"Since my mother died by drowning... I haven't gotten the guts to learn how to swim or even be close to a pool. Even by just taking a glimpse at a pool or a large body of water has me freezing up,"

I shiver at the thought as Taehyung rubs my back, "That's completely fine. Most people don't know how to swim either. It's nothing to be ashamed about, you're ready when you're ready"

I smile and look at him, he nods a final time.

Our bonding moment was cut short when the sliding door opens.

"Leahhh" Dad sing-songs then stops short when his eyes land on Taehyung.

A boy alone with his babygirl.

He straightens his posture, crosses his arms over his chest and lifts his chin up in an intimidating way, "Leah, who's this?"

I roll my eyes and stand up with Taehyung scrambling after me. He stands in front of him and gives a deep bow.

"Kim Taehyung, sir" he says and straightens up, "It's nice to meet you, sir"

Dad looks him up and down before he looks at me, I nod at him and he looks back at Taehyung.

"It's getting late, you should be getting home" He says in his deep voice that I stifle my laughter at.

Taehyung nods, "Goodnight sir," then he looks back at me, "Goodnight Leah," he leans in for hug until dad speaks up again.

"Yeah, goodnight"

Taehyung walks around him and through the sliding door, leaving dad and I outside.

I sigh, I'm going to have to text him and reassure him that my dad doesn't usually act like this, he's only doing this because of what happened today.

"You're a total poser" I snort and sit down again, as dad falters.

"What?! Me?!" He exclaims before sitting next to me, "You're my babygirl, no one is going to take you away from me" he says while wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pressing me into his side.

I get comfy and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Well no one is going to take you away from me, boys are gross" I say with disgust in my voice.

"Good," dad says and leans his head on mine.

The Girl On The Boys Basketball Team | J.J.K.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang