Chapter Eight: Possibilities Considered

Start from the beginning

"Benson is putting on pressure to send ye home," Murphy got down to business as he went over to the vending machine and perused the soda options before deciding on a Sprite.
"We knew that already," Adam stated unnecessarily and received a glare from his Sergeant.
"He suggested cutting back on the manpower after Halstead returned to the hotel from Mercy," the HS man agreed, "but what started out as a suggestion is now a direct order."
"Did he say anything about Halsteads' health inproving?" Al checked.
"Just that it was good he was out of hospital. It didn't seem to be tied in with the order to downsize the investigation team."
"What the hell is he playing at?" Jay queried.
"Wells or Benson?" Adam looked at his pale friend.
"Wells," the weary Detective replied rubbing a hand down his face, "why would he want us out of New York?"
"If Wells is behind this we need to consider he's stopping," Voight put forth his assessment, "or ...,"
"He's heading to Chicago," Jay concluded gravely, that was a frightening possibility.
"Parker is going to give us an update on his profile this evening at the hotel," Murphy looked to Voight who nodded his approval, "with no new attacks I can't justify the amount of manpower I have on this at the moment."
"But it hasn't been that long since the last one," Adam argued in surprise.
"This is the longest gap there's been between incidents," Murphy explained.
"Wells doesn't strike me as the type to give up," Jay opined thoughtfully.
"I agree with Halstead," Voight said emphatically, "but we need to make some progress if we want to stay in New York."
"Easier said than done," Adam stated unhappily, earning another glare, this time from Jay.



The private Dining Room of the hotel had to all intents and purposes been converted into a conference room that night after the meal as the Intelligence Unit, Burke, Murphy, Beckett and Tim Jefferson listened to the Psychologist give his updated profile. Unfortunately Parker could only deal in possibilities or likelihoods founded on the information to hand at that time. They were all aware that the nature of his profession precluded outright certainties. When he finished speaking there was silence as the men considered the situation.

"So if Detective Halstead returns to Chicago Wells is likely to follow?" Beckett double checked.
"Yes, given his fixation on him."
"So why didn't he go to the hospital to check up on Jay?" Adam wanted to know, the mans' non appearance had surprised them all.
"I was surprised he didn't," Parker spoke truthfully, he wasn't going to lie.
"So what's the plan?" Voight looked across the oval shaped wooden table at Murphy.
"I've asked Benson for another week with the present manpower," the Assistant Director explained, he was not happy about the situation he was in, "if we don't make substantive progress in that time my hands will be tied."
"Did he agree to the timeframe easily or did you have to persuade him?" Jay wondered.
"He agreed more or less immediately."
"What are you thinking Kid?" Al looked over at the Detective not liking the obvious discomfort he was in, despite his valiant efforts to hide his pain.
"Since he didn't insist on our removal from the investigation straight away Wells must want us here for another week."
"So he's planning something soon?" Kevin looked around the large table seeing everyone nod, it made sense.
"Seems likely," Jay replied quietly before looking from Murphy to Voight and back again, "he's obviously still following his own agemda. Maybe it's time to bring Benson in for questioning."
"That will spook Wells," Kevin cautioned as they contemplated the option.
"Has to be done," Voight eyed the HS man, "you know Benson. What's he likely to do if he realizes his connection to Wells has been discovered?"
"Hard to tell," Murphy reluctantly replied, "I never liked the guy but I never thought he would go rogue."
"It never gets easier," Al commiserated, unfortunately in their line of work most of them knew someone who had given into their dark side.
"We should ..," Murphys' cell ringing interrupted what he was going to say and he gave an apologetic look before going outside.
"Beckett once Benson is brought in you need to go back to Washington," Jefferson informed his younger colleague earning a nod of agreement from Voight.
"But ...,"
"It would be too dangerous to keep you here," Antonio put in, "we have to assume Wells knows Benson is gettimg his inside intel from you."
"Surely I can still work the case," Beckett protested, as far as he was concerned he still had a lot of making up to do for his betrayal, even if it was unintentional.

"We have a problem," Murphy re-entered the room looking decidedly upset as he put away his cell.
"What is it?" Parker asked in concern, it took a lot to frazzle the older man.
"Fifteen minutes ago Benson was found dead," the Assistant Director sank down on the chair he had recently vacated and looked over at Jay, "there was a note left at the scene ..... for you."
"What does it say?" as usual Adam displayed his impatience when his friend remained silent.
"It's with Forensics but I received a copy," Murphy tapped the pocket he had placed the cell phone in, "it simply says Halstead should have played the game better ....... any idea what that means?"
"Did he refer to a 'game' when he held you?" Antonio questioned gently.
"No .... but it's obvious he's been treating this whole thing as a game .... with him calling the shots."
"How was he killed?" Al rose and went over to the vending machine to retrieve a Coca Cola.
"A single bullet to the left temple."
"But it wasn't suicide?" Jay looked over at the HS man.
"No ....... Benson was left-handed alright but there was no suicide note," Murphy frowned as he realized it did sound like a self inflicted wound, "besides the note to you dispels that theory."
"Unusual place to target," Voight surmised, "usually executions were to the back of a victims' head or the center mass that was the chest area.
"Maybe Benson was forced to ..... kill himself," Jay spoke so quietly the men had to strain to hear.
"That doesn't make sense," Adam argued.
"We need to consider something else," the injured Detective sat up straighter, subconsciously placing a hand on his ribs in an attempt to dispel the pain the movement caused, "the only links we have to date between any of the victims, however tenuous, are music and serious illness."
"You think Benson was ill?" Kevin guessed.
"Maybe. It's just a thought. Wells might have been upset if he thought I was on the way out but then made a recovery. Killing Benson would give him back the feeling of power he clearly craves."
"So he sent the pizza in with the listening device just to confirm you were at deaths' door and once that was confirmed he felt there was no reason to go to Mercy?" Antonio sought clarification of what Jay was suggesting.
"That makes sense," Parker put in approvingly.
"It's just an idea Doc. I could be way off," Jay readily acknowledged, hell the way he was feeling he could be assessing the whole situation wrong.
"So we check Bensons' medical history," Murphy confirmed.
"Hell it doesn't really help us," Jay shook his head, angry that all they seemed to have were more questions.
"Unfortunately the nature of our work does not engender easy answers," Voight commented from experience as his voice took on a steely undercurrent, "but we will find them and we will find Wells. It's just a matter of time."


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