Chapter 38: Gods Among Men.

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The Tengu looked at Trotsky intrigued. "Many others have come to us. Seeking our aid. Our steel. But do you have the power to back it up?"

"To back it up?" Trotsky asked as he could see the Chief standing up. It was never a good sign when a Tengu Chief stood up. 

"You wish our help? Prove yourself worthy. If you can." The Chief explained.

Trotsky could see what was happening. "So, you wish a challenge." 

"Do you accept?" The Chief asked drawing his sword. "We fight swords."

Trotsky drew out his wands. But he drew the wands into energy swords. "I accept." 

The Chief positioned his form. From the way Trotsky saw his form. He figured that the Tengu was quite skilled in Kendo. The Japanese Style of Sword Fighting. Specifically the form of: Ono-ha Itto-ryu. The idea of relying on a single cut to defeat the enemy. Trotsky could tell from the way he was using his technique. Where as Trotsky had turned motioned his body to: Hyoho Niten Ichi-ryu. Or as it was referred to as: "Two Heavens, One School" a stance of both swords held above the head to attack. The swords could therefore work in a sequential rhythm; as one sword defends, the other attacks in the next step.

Both The Chief and Trotsky both sized up each other, wondering who was going to make the first move. The Chief moved first. He raised his sword and begun to strike. But Trotsky was ready for it. He moved his energy swords and struck the Chief with a clean cut. The Chief fell down. "You strike with conviction, Trotsky." The Chief noted. "What is it that drives you?"

"Hatred." Trotsky answered.

"Hatred of what?" The Chief asked. 

"People." Trotsky answered referring to his dead family. "For what they did. What they will continue to do if I don't stop them. And you're going to help me stop them." He declared.

The Tengu all looked at each other confused.

"And why would we help you? What is in it for us?" The Chief asked.

"Because I can give you what you have never had before. To be seen as what you were meant to be. Respected instead of feared." Trotsky offered.

The Tengu remained silent. "Is it not true that your relationship with the Buddhist is not a happy one? You. The Tengu, who are sworn enemies of the Buddhist faith, and that much of their history has been spent trying to lure people off the road to enlightenment?" Trotsky asked.

"Luring people off the road to enlightenment. We simply wish to open the eyes of those who seek guidance and true knowledge. Even more so than the Buddhists who vilify anyone who doesn't respect their beliefs." The Tengu Chief corrected. "We are not destroyers. We are protectors. Protectors of our own beliefs."

"I believe it's time for Japan to have a new faith. A faith that existed in the time of our ancestors. The Faith of the Yo Kai. The signs are already showing." Trotsky said. 

"And the world?" The Tengu Chief asked. 

"To be reforged in the ways of old." Trotsky answered.

"You have won our duel. The Tengu are yours." The Chief declared all bowing to Trotsky.

"Excellent." Trotsky replied with a smile. "Now then... my forces will need weapons that you will join the Goblins in forging. And when their metal work is combined with yours-"

"Uncle Iosef." Talos interrupted walking.

"Yes, Talos. What is it?" Trotsky asked.

"The Japanese know we're here. They've sent a convoy after us." Talos warned.

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