The Big Needle

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Kai disappointed at his ruined fun slowly started walking towards in hopes to grab a new shirt as his big muscles had demolished his shirt beforehand. But while walking into his room he noticed in the well cleansed mirror, Himself.
He stared in awe at his huge muscular abs and pecks. His 6 pack bulged prominently out of his abdomen.the sweat from the intense sun made them gleam and shine. The same went for his massive pecks. His big red (for fire) nipples protruded out of his pectoralis. This puts Kai right back into a good mood. He goes over to his radio, and turns it up to max. He puts one of his favorite songs, "Work Bitch" by famous popstar Britney Spears. He goes over to his weights drawer and pulls out his 50 pound weights.
He then goes over to the mirror and starts working out lifting these massive weights up and down.
He lifted them to rhythm of the song, flexing all his muscles even more. After 4 minutes and 7 seconds Kai put down his weights, one of his favorite songs had come on. It was his Steroid song, it was "Criminal" by top 10 superstar Britney Spears. Kai walked over to his super secret drawer that was right next to his weights drawer. He pulled out his humongous already used needle and started filling it with the liquid steroids. He shoved the needle the into his phat dumpy, crushing the needle mindlessly into his right ass check. He pushed down on the needle forcing the steroids to enter his body. The sensation of the steroids started to run through his body, and put Kai in a very very good mood.
Right then as Kai was pulling up his pants, Jay Ninjago walked into Kai's room. Kai, the sexy Chad that he is started to flirt with this electric ninja.
"Wassup Jay!" Kai said, putting his arm over Jay's shoulder. Jay brushes arm off and says.
"Not much, just came in to borrow some weights."
Kai chuckled and responded, "you don't need those silly old things Jay, I can show you a better workout", Kai pointed towards his bed, as the song began to change. It was another one of his favorites, it was "Gimme More" by his favorite artist, mega super star Britney Spears. Jay laughs it off and picks up 10 pound weights and leaves. Kai flips him off, and goes back to working out, he wished to be as strong as Cole Ninjago one day.

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