chapter 11- Lunch

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Dende and Piccolo happened to guard us during the feeding frenzy in the cafetria. Uub had pretty much bought most of the candy on the snack bar with $100000zeni the lunch lady was so shrude about it that she thought that he couldn't handle it. Uub soluted to her as I was walking by him. But as I was walking he didn't see where he was going and had bumped into me.

"Maji Uub you are about to make me have a bad day and you wanna see me go there or you don't do you?" I said walking towards him. As pissed as I was Trunks this time couldn't hold me back or shield me from a fight. Because he couldn't get out of the line. "You, knocked my got damn tray over and now its all over me." I grabbed him by the ear and swung him all over the table and picked him up and dragon threw him all over the room while hovering all over the air inside of the cafetria. Then I yelled, "food fight!" Everybody including Trunks got some food and threw it all over Uub and each other. Then I stoled one of his candy bars. And ate it while watching but then I had wound up into Vegeta's office. "Ashley? And Trunks you both are working my nerves! I always see it come out of you but, Ashley first of all I thought you were dead and second of all I suspect better things to come out of you young lady, but how long has it been?" He asked. "Sixteen years that you have been out of my life and second of all I love your son really I do, but I'm tired of being a goody girl." I told him.

Vegeta slapped his hand across his face, so you've been dating him coming to find out and you wanna train over at my house inside of the gravity room." He said. "The answer is yes come on over and come back home." Said Vegeta. "Dad she lives in her own mansion in Gingertown. And really wanted that acceptance for the longest time ever." Said Trunks. "But my answer is no she can't be a troublemaker or starter but she could train with me. Inside of the gravity room." He continued.

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