chapter 8- Goku

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Goku had looked over to my side of the class room. And examand me from where he was then he got out of his chair and stood by my desk with Trunks on the left of me at his desk. "Oh so your the one that happened to set my son striaght." He said to me. "Being an aunt isn't a bad job trust me I would allow you to do it in any sort of way that you want to do it." Goku had finally met up with me in the class room he is so lengendary and looks like a boy version of me. His gi was orange in blue with the turtle hermit simble on it and he has these pierece black eyes that just saw me through my soul. His short hair was also untamed like he never combed it striaght up, "So you're my twin brother." I said turning my head around I had pictured him behind my head when I heard his voice it seemed quite fair that he was right there. "So you are Ashley huh, you just so look like me." He said in shock. He tried to pinch himself but it wasn't a dream he actually had seen me here and no where else.

"Goku, um..I just want to ask you something?" "Yeah go on ahead. You can ask me about just anything." He said to me. "Umm..why were you in OCI?" I asked him. He jumped back for a second then said. "I had happened to have followed Goten after he had left school but as soon as I got back I was busted by master roshi. So he had sent me there and I had happen to meet your boyfriend and cousin seems like your still his goody girl." He said jokingly. I just thought to my self I have had it up to here with the goody girl comments it just isn't what I want to hear anymore! Then Goku said. "Trunks doesn't want you to be in his perdictument because he just wants you to stay that way a goody girl." He said with a serious look on his face. Did he just read my mind? I thought so do all sayains read minds? I thought in questioning.

"Hey, Goku don't make her start she had already caused ruckus by punching your son's jaw because he wanted to fight her." Said Trunks. Of course he was right I have a badder and bitter temper than his granddaughter which is Pan chan. But she happens to be in shonen jump middle school and we're in highschool. So yeah seems about right, "so, she has a temper okay my bad. But just get your-self trained. Okay?" He said putting his hand on my shoulder than walked back to his seat and sat down until the bell rings. Trunks and I are in the nineth grade but are popular than the seniors in school I am also in the cheer squad with Bulla but I can't be captain until my twelth grade year. After the bell had rung I headed off to cheer practice and met up with Bulla and sat next to her. "So, you're dating my brother? But I can't date Goten, is something wrong with him? I mean come on Ashley really? He can't be doing too much of worrying like this." She said looking my way. "Bulla he's his best friend they need to sort out their problems but yes I am dating your brother." I told her.

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