“This way.” Her trusty guard announced out of the blue. “Are you alright?” He asked lowly.

“I’m afraid to fly.”

“It’s not that bad once you get used to it. Have you ever flown before?”

“Once. And the experience wasn’t all that great.”

“How so?”

“I married the man that got me into this mess.” She said with disdain completely forgetting about her sickness.

“That is unfortunate but it had to be good at one point right? You did agree to marry him. You said ‘I do’ unless it was under duress.”

“He was different up until that night is when the monster arrived.” She said sadly before shaking off her prior trip down memory lane. Then is when she realized she was being seated across from Mr. Mucciono. On another row she saw the other guy who she now knew as Gio. The shock that she boarded the plane without throwing up as she thought she would was all too much. She wondered how much had they heard of their conversation. From the look on Gio’s face, he heard everything and looked to be curious for more. Mr. Mucciono on the other hand seemed unfazed as he did something on his phone as if he didn’t know his surroundings had changed.

“By the way the name is Rob.”

“Thanks for distracting me Rob.”

“No problem.” He smirked walking away to take a seat near Gio.

Allison got comfortable in the plush leather seat. The interior was beautiful further taking her mind away from the fact that they would be thousands of miles in the air soon. In the seat next to her were a stack of magazines. Her guess was they were left there from the last woman on the flight. None of these men seemed like the type to read about natural hair care. Upon further scrutiny she realized either there was another African American woman that frequented this aircraft or these were specifically there for her. ‘What would it be like to be doted on by a man of Mr. Mucciono’s stature?’ Allison found herself questioning herself as she took sneak glances in his direction. Thankfully he never seemed to notice but she did see that Gio was once again very alert. The curious stare on his face was nerve-wrecking. She wondered had he read her mind or figured out just what she was glancing at.

“Would you like something to drink Mr. Mucciono?” The stewardess asked rather seductively in Allison’s opinion. The pink tint of her cheeks made it plain and clear that she had a Jones’ for him.

“Guests first Marci.” He reprimanded.

“Yes, of course sir.” She said with shame before turning her gaze to Allison. The stone on her face hidden behind the fake smile was a clear understanding of her being jealous. Allison would gladly trade places with the woman if that meant her freedom. Marci had nothing to fear in her taking away the attention of Mr. Mucciono. “Ma’am?”

“Water please.”

“Are you sure? This is a long flight and something stronger will help you relax.” He said smoothly as if he really cared. Her own husband could care less in what predicament she was in and here this stranger was playing like he did better than him.

“Yes just water.”

“And for you sir.”

“Brandy and a glass of chardonnay.”

“Yes sir.”

“You know if I wanted to drug you or poison you, I would have by now.” He said mockingly. The fact that he had humor almost made her giggle but she was still too afraid to do anything around him.

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