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noun ~ an instance of a particular situation/an example of something occurring

The room fell silent and all eyes snapped to me. The King's face was shocked but he covered it up with quick amusement. He studied me again, seeing my keen expression and let out a laugh.

"Then it is so. Tomorrow evening the women who desire to be his mate shall be at your pack land. A day is enough time for them to travel and for you to...prepare." He smirked.

A day? That was so soon.

Phoenix growled. 'Nova...'

I am not losing you Phoenix, and you are not putting your title or life at risk under the King's hand. I am strong, I have Celimene. I have a good feeling; I promise it'll be okay.

'You do not heal well Nova, what if one got a good bite to you? What if one killed you?'

Then I shall deliver one just as bad.

His eyes widened but I detected the glimmer of pride in the mate bond. He gave me a gentle nod, accepting my answer to the questions. His grip tightened on me considerably and I traced small circles into his skin in comfort.

"Please, let's move on." The Queen suddenly spoke.

From where I was positioned, I was directly facing her. She smiled gently at me, her eyes bright as though she hadn't just been chastised for killing innocent women.

"Yes, let us." The King huffed.

The Queen leaned forwards and lifted the piles of paperwork. "I have read the lists your beta has sent and I have had my men identify every single woman you brought with you to their corresponding missing information. There was, of course, some paperwork without women. Shall I take it they are deceased?"

I tensed, completely forgetting that some women must've been killed when they had outgrown the men's selfish desires.

Phoenix nodded from beside me, "How many?"

The Queen pulled a sheet to the front, "Seven. They are fairly outdated, however, the most recent kidnapping that is unaccounted for is this January."

She passed the sheet and I went to reach out to take it from her but Phoenix growled and took it before I could. I huffed, folding my hands on my lap as he held the sheet in front of us. The Queen's eyes seemed to widen in delight at the gesture.

I was frowning as I scanned the document, noticing the January one was from the same pack as Felicity. I eyed the brown-eyed woman on the sheet, feeling sorrow that she was dead. She was just looking after her ward, doing her duties, and now she was dead.

I swallowed and looked away from the paperwork, not wishing to see other names. The Queen soon passed us the rest of the paperwork and Phoenix shuffled through them briefly. A picture of Primrose caught my eye and I grabbed at his wrist to stop the shuffling. He held it for me to read, his chin resting upon my head.

"Primrose Moore, 23 and 3 months. Taken from the woods on December 11th 2019, last seen passing border control with Avery Manson, also missing, around 8:15 PM. Brown eyes, and long black hair, was wearing blue jeans, a thick black winter coat with grey lining and brown winter boots. Case: Closed. Believed to be deceased through lack of mind link."

The picture was a portrait photo, of Primrose sporting a large smile with gleaming white teeth. Her black hair was long and in two braids down past the edge of the photo. Her brown eyes were light and full of life, freckles adorning her tanned skin.

She looked nothing like this anymore.

"Anything else your men found out?" Phoenix grunted, putting the paper on the sofa beside us.

Lost LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora