Patricia" Hey look it's The Weasel Twins"

I'm guessing Patricia has already met them. This must have been the girl that she is sharing a room with. I look up at the American as he sits down the other side of me and I smile at him.

Nina" Would you like some OJ?"

Eddie" Finally someone who speaks English, it's great to see there is another American, like me I was starting to feel a little lost, I'm Eddie Miller, this is my twin sister Charlie"

I look at the girl who gives me a small wave. Twins, okay.

Alfie" Are you sure you are twins but you look nothing alike"

Jerome" Not all twins look the same Alfie"

Charlie" Exactly, thanks..."

Jerome" Oh I'm Jerome, nice to meet you"

Charlie*smiles* Thanks Jerome"

Fabian" So when did you get here, I got a shock when I woke up and saw you in Mick's bed"

Patricia" I can imagine"

I look at Patricia as she pours some Orange Juice in a glass, not looking the least bit impressed by this American boy.

Eddie" Yesterday, me and my sister both had the pleasure of meeting Yacker over there"

I watch as Patricia sneers at both of the twins but they take no notice and instead Eddie looks back at me and Fabian.

Charlie" So what's everyones names, we know Patricia or Yacker as my brother calls her and of course I now knew Alfie and Jerome, what about everyone else"

I watched as the new girl asked everyone there names and I gave mine as did Fabian, Amber, Mara and Joy.

Jerome" So what made you two change schools then?"

Eddie" Well Jerry, we both flunked our classes, got into some fights and then the principal hated me because I dated his daughter"

Charlie" And the English teacher hated me because I dated her son"

I then watched as Patricia rolled her eyes and glared at the twins.

Patricia" Couldn't you two have done us all a favour and went to a different school in the states"

Eddie" Sorry to disappoint you Yacker, but me and my sis are staying"

Charlie's POV

As everyone files out me and my brother walk out as well and Eddie is still eating a muffin. We both then look as the school caretaker we had seen yesterday has appeared at our sides.

Victor" Ahh The Miller Twins I trust you slept well"

Eddie" Like a log what about you sis?"

Charlie" Yeah quite soundly actually"

Eddie" And my friends call me Eddie"

I watch my brother speak to this caretaker, he still has a mouthful of muffin and is spitting crumbs everywhere. I nudge him trying to get him to stop but Victor beats me to it.

Victor" Don't speak with your mouth full, show me some respect"

Eddie" On second thoughts you you can stick with Edison"

Victor" You two were out after ten o clock, explain please"

I exchange looks with my brother as we try to come up with some reason as to why we was out after ten. I decide to explain.

The Miller Twins (1) Where stories live. Discover now