Then why had Charlie rushed in before Missy and Ryan had? If he was supposedly following Missy. 

"Oh, okay. Good for you two," Kent muttered, turning to look at me as if I had all the answers to this awkward situation. Charlie tried to laugh to relieve some of the tension but Ryan's gaze wasn't wavering. I could almost feel the hurt that Ryan was experiencing myself. 

"Guess we'll be seeing you guys at the dance," Charlie said before walking to the door, "Missy, do you want to figure out our plans for the dance?" 

Something in Missy seemed to click, not once looking at Ryan while she turned around and skipped off after Charlie. What the hell?

"Hey Ryan, I'm really sorry you went through the trouble," Kent reached out and grabbed Ryan's shoulder, "I would totally go to the dance with you if Sadie hadn't beat you to it," 

Ryan managed a small smile and hugged Kent. 

"Don't be silly I was just asking you to try to make Charlie jealous," Ryan chuckled and rolled his eyes, "I think I might need to move on from that," 

"You deserve someone who isn't afraid of their own feelings," Kent whispered back. I had a feeling Ryan and Kent might have had this conversation before but I didn't want to push the topic right now. 

Ryan turned and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up off the ground for a moment.

"Don't mess it up with her, I will kick you ass," Ryan called out to Kent before heading out of our room, not before peaking his head back in and adding, "Excuse me while I go tear out that bitches fake ass extensions," 

Kent and I couldn't help but laugh while Ryan disappeared but I still hadn't forgotten about the surprise Kent had for me. 

"Don't worry, I didn't forget either," Kent seemed to have read my mind, holding up the red tie he had been clutching this whole time, "Blindfold," 

I allowed Kent to tie the red fabric around my eyes before grabbing my hands and gently leading me into the hallway. 

"Promise you can't see anything?" Kent asked, sounding nervous now as we continued down the hallway. 

"I promise, where are we going?" I heard Kent press the button to the elevator while we stopped.

"Patience, that's the key here," If I could see him I'd hit him, but instead Kent placed a soft kiss on the top of my head and the elevator doors opened. 

We were quiet in the elevator, my heart pounding but the old elevator was loud enough to hide it. Kent stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and resting his chin on the top of my head. The elevator was going. . . up?

Finally, after what seemed like ten minutes, I heard the doors fling open and Kent was again in front of me, grabbing both of my hands to lead me. We took a couple of steps before Kent stopped me and let go of my hands. I stood awkwardly, not knowing if I should move or even where I was standing. What floor were we even on? 

"Are you ready?" Kent was in front of me again, grabbing one of my hands and not waiting for me to respond. 

Kent shoved open what sounded like a large metal door and the cold air stung my cheeks and lungs. Why the hell were we outside?

"Okay, here goes nothing," Kent muttered before carefully untying the tie around my head. A guitar started to play but my vision was still adjusting. 

As my eyes adjust I can see that Chunk is playing a guitar and Jace and Squid are attempting to sing a love song. I think it's supposed to be "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" by Queen but between Jace's tone deafness, Chunk playing the wrong chords and Squid's terrible dance moves I couldn't tell. 

Kent started yelling at them to shut up and how bad of an idea it was while I took in the rest of the view. We were on our dorm's roof, the wind wasn't terrible tonight thank goodness of Kent's plan probably wouldn't have worked. 

HOMECOMING? was spelled out with floating lanterns that had been tied to individual vases with beautiful rocks and a single rose in each one. A few other lanterns were placed around for better lighting and a whole bouquet of red roses was sitting at my feet. 

"I said shut up already," Kent yelled at Squid who had ignored him up until now, still trying to sing and dance, "I swear I will hurt you," 

Squid finally listened and straightened up before flipping Kent off behind his back and twerking one more time. Kent smiled down at me although he was clearly embarrassed. 

"I had to ask you to the dance in a better way than after a fire drill," He admitted and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him, "What do you say?"

"I already said yes, Kent," I reminded him, trying not to laugh at Chunk, Jace and Squid who were all making fun of Kent behind his back. Kent noticed my distraction and whipped his head around, the boys hardly able to compose themselves in time. 

"I never should have asked them to help," Kent said mostly to himself. He was embarrassed and nervous and it was cute. Kent really did had a soft side and I couldn't wait to see more of it. 

"Yes, I will definitely go to homecoming with you," I grabbed his chin so he'd look back down at me and smiled to reassure him that this was absolutely perfect. No one had ever gone out of their way for me like this. And I thought my bed display was special. This was amazing. I wonder how he'd top this for Prom. . . 

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