Chapter 2. Tikki knows

Start from the beginning

When I opened the door, nobody was in the bed. Tikki flew out of the pocket and went with Plagg to the closet. I looked at the bathroom door, which was a little opened, in full silence.

I had an idea! I left the boxes in the floor and pushed the bathroom door. The bathtup was filled with water and he was in too. Taking a relaxing bath. He didn't see me until I knocked to catch his attention. He turned his head to watch me. He arqued his lips, with that smile that always drived me crazy. With him I always felt like we were in the moon.

"Good morning" I said getting closer while I was getting off my jeans, my shirt... leaving a path of clothes while I headed the bathtup.

"Good morning, princess" I got addicted to that word, I admit it. "I was so alone when I didn't see you this morning. You know? So I came here to cry, because I felt so alone and blue without you."

I laughed. He was such a dork sometimes. I loved him so much.

"I wasn't gone for too long. Besides, you had Plagg."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Well... If you want, I can try to make it up to you. Is there space for someone else in your jacuzzi?" I took off everything that was left in my body.

"Of course." He grinned. I got in and snuggled beside him. He hugged me, kissed me and slided his fingers over my skin. "I'm much better now." He whispered to me. He then left me a path of kisses from my cheeks to my neck. "I love you."

"I love you too." I started playing with his fingers under the water.

Those were my favorite moments. Hugging each other, playing with our hands, silent lovely peeks. Gosh I loved him so much.

I don't know if we were there for minutes or hours. But I just wanted cuddles, and be with him, and hearing him talking about what he wanted to do that day, and hearing how much he loved me...

But then my stomach started hurting again.

"We should get out now..."

"Five minutes more, please..." He grabbed me tighter.

That feeling again. A shiver down my back and a horrible need of throwing up.

"Are you okay, M'lady? You've been weird these days."

"Yeah, yes, I'm fine." I said standing up and getting my feet out of the bathtup with him and rolling a towel around us. "Well... honestly, I've been feeling a little sick. So I bought some pills. If you can bring them to me... I'll take them now."

He nodded before giving me a forehead kiss. He searched for them while I started to take my clothes back on.

When he came back, he stared at the two little boxes in the bag. Two things. Nothing more. He could see exactly what was it. He looked at me surprised, happy, with a smile from ear to ear. The only thing I could do was shrugh my shoulders and giggle shyly. I finished putting on my pants and he helped me to button the bra. Then, he left the bathroom giving small jumps while I stared at me at the mirror.

I was freaking nervous, I can't deny it.

So... yeah, I bought a pregnancy test. I was sure I wasn't pregnant. Like, 90% sure. But there was a 10% of me that wanted to try. Just in case. My hands were shaking, and so did my knees. Everything could change. Or... maybe not.

I took the test, I waited paciently to see the result, then I finished dressing and opened the bathroom door.

He was at the edge of the bed, obviously nervous. I opened his arms and hugged him so tight. Very tight. I was about to cry, still with my test in my hand. He hugged me back.

"So... Mari... What's the answer?" He was impacient. He wanted to know. I couldn't believe it. It was an indescriptible feeling.

"Adrien..." Oh gosh, I started crying so bad. "I am. I do am. I am pregnant. Look!" I showed him the test without stop crying. I was whispering. I... I wanted to jump so high! and scream, and dance, and run, and laugh, all at the same time. It was the best feeling in my life.

"We are having a baby, Adrien!" And when I finally looked back at him, he was so serious. "Adrien?" his eyes were shining. He pressed his lips and started sobbing. Then, tears came down his face while he pulled me back onto his arms again. And we stood there. Sobbing and crying. Getting the best feeling of our lives.

"Marinette... this is the best day of my life. Thank you..." He kept sobbing. I grabbed his back. This was all that mattered to him. Love and be loved. All that his father never did. He then broke the hug to kiss me and lifting up my shirt to touch my little belly.

"Hello, little kitten... I know you still can't hear me, but I'm your daddy, and even if I don't know you, I love you. With all my heart." How can he be so sweet?? He whiped out his tears and kissed my belly right before looking into my eyes again. We were nervous. So nervous and happy. "Oh my god, Marinette! You've made me the happiest man of the world!!!" He pulled me into another hug, surrounding me with his arms. "I love you. I love you with all my heart. I love you as much as I love the baby. Finally... I have my own familly..." he started crying again. It was too sweet, too cute, too emotional for me. I still can't believe it. After all we've gone through.

We were going to start a new chapter on our lives!

"Finally!!!" Tikki screamed when she approached to me. "I'm so happy for you two!!"

"you're finally realizing it!" Plagg added. "We already knew."

"What-" I looked at them. "How?"

"Well, when you transform into ladybug, I become a part of you, Marinette. So I knew you were pregnant! I also know the sex of the baby." Tikki explained. "and... I told Plagg... and maybe... the rest of the kwamis. You've been pregnant for over a month."

"oh my god, you little kwamis, know how to keep a secret." Adrien said.

"Yeah we do. I remember you when we were aware of all your love life mess." Plagg replied.

"Anyways! I'm so happy! I love babies!" Tikki then again hugged me.

"Wait! that means you can't transform now?" My beautiful husband-dad-of-my-baby said.

"Of course she can!" Tikki interrupted. "I protect the baby, nothing can happen to her. Also, the magic makes the belly disappear so no one can see she's pregnant. Besides, there are no akumas, so that means less danger! And when you transform I'm able to see the baby."

"I want to see it too! Nine months are too much time." Adrien whined. "Tikki, tell us what gender it is! please!" He was so excited that I couldn't stop crying, still into his arms.

"Well... do you have any girl names you like?" Tikki grinned.

It was a girl!!!! My sweet girl... our precious baby... Of course we had names. Since we were dating when we were younger.

I was so increidbly happy that my only answer was keep crying.

So we closed a chapter. And started another one. Full of happiness and love.

But also... full of crazy cravings, rollercoaster of emotions, and a lot of snuggles. And at that time I didn't know, but if Adrien already was the perfect husband, he proved me that he was beyond perfection.

So, what could go wrong for the Pari's super heroes this time?

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