Tony kidnapped ?!! ironwidow

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Tony's pov

Fury sent us a location of a hidden hydra base and told us to destroy it and get some information from the computer , maybe their will be their next plans or the other hydra bases, we all gone exept natasha because she is take caring of the baby Peter , pepper is in Japan and we don't trust the baby sitters .

"Stark, you get in and get the informations that we need , Sam vision you get the west side of the building, wanda and bucky you get the north, Clint you take who is on the roof, the others you help me in here, Bruce... You stay calm until another notification. " Said captain springles, I got inside the building, there was maybe ten agent " surprise " I shot them and they all fall dead on the ground, I looked for the the control room, I didn't take me a long time, just some stupid agents, some robots, the Ned of the story, when I got on the I got out of the suit and made Jarvis activate the defense mood, I opened the computer and hacked to it, breaking the fire walls, there was 2,046,899, files, well, that's gonna take some time, that's boring, I was sitting in my big living room, with by beautiful wife and baby 2 month old Peter, what the hell am I doing here.

Their was a weird smell coming from out side, then there is a weird white smoke filled then room " Jarvis wha... " Before I could even finish my sentence there is an a big explosion happened, I threw away at the far wall, my back het the wall very hard and I starts to feel dizzy, I couldn't move from the pain, my suit was disassembled in the floor, oh shit . Their was a blood falling out of my Back of the head and the room was filled of fire and smoke, I was trying to breathe but instead I caught , all that go to my lungs was smoke and dust, I was about to faint but then I saw five shadows coming to my direction, they are here to save me, finally, cap did one thing right in his life

Steve's pov

While I was fighting 5 of the hydra agents, there is a big explosion happened in one of the sides in the building .

"Falcon, what's going on their ? " " Their is an explosion in the east side of the building cap " " iron man, you are near to the explosion, tell me what's happening... Iron man what happened ?" " Friend Antony, where did you go "

What's happening, where is tony why he isn't answering his coms, w.... Their is an explosion happened destroyed all the building " shit " cursed Sam loudly " LaNgUaGe ,Sam what happened, is everyone okay ? " " Yeah cap, the explosion was so near to take us with it " said bucky " WAIT, TONY IS INSIDE THE BUILDING " shouted rhodey flying by his suit to the direction of the building , after I finished the remaining of the hydra agents I ran to the building, " STARK, WHERE ARE YOU, anyone see anything ? " No one answered , I start to dig in , removing the destroyed part of the building to find stark, oh god, if something happened to him, nat is gonna cut our heads off our bodies and hang it on the wall and then she will go and find tony in five minutes . Clint was searching next to me, I bet he has the same thoughts as mine, after all, he and nat are best friends and he knows her more than me .

"Guys what's going on down their ?" Came the robotic worried voice of Bruce banner

" We can't find mister stark " said vision searching in one of the side of the building " " should I call nata... " "NO " everyone said at the same time, I cleared my throat " no no Bruce , don't call her, she is takes care of Peter right now we don't need to intrepute her " ." Oh really , does that mean you are not scared from her ? " Bruce asked , I can feel the smirk on his face " of course not, we are earth mightest heros' why we would be scared from her " said bucky , before Bruce could answer, wanda's voice cut him off "uhh , guys I think I found something " we all ran to her direction , in the floor, the iron man suit was disassembled and broken, that's mean ... Shit.

" Did they... " asked rhodey " kidnapped him " I finished his sentence. " Who is going to tell Natasha ,... Not me " said Sam " not me " " not me " ... " Guys what's going on " said Bruce running to our direction but he stopped when he saw the destroyed iron man suit without anyone inside it " what... No maybe he is under the destroyed building , Friday, can you scan the place please for tony " Friday started to scan but there was nothing

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