group chat

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Peter created group " AVENGERS 😜"

Peter added Antony stark

Peter added capistle

Peter added point break

Peter added legolas

Legolas added wanda

Wanda added petrio

Peter added Brucey bear

Antony Stark added platypus

Peter added Natasha Romanov

Capistle added bucky Barnes

Bucky Barnes added Sam Wilson

Sam removed bucky Barnes

Loki joined the group

Loki removed point break

Capistle added point break

Capistle: Sam why did you removed bucky

Sam Wilson: Because he is annoying 😩.

Brucey bear : urghhh

Brucey bear added bucky Barnes

Bucky Barnes removed Sam Wilson

Capistle: oh come on 😡.

Capistle added Sam Wilson

Antony stark : what's wrong capistle😏

Legolas : STARK

Peter :what

Antony stark : what

Natasha Romanov: what

Brucey bear: who of you guys Did that

Peter changed his name to spider ling

Spider ling : DAD

LEGOLAS: okay I think now we knows who did that.

Antony stark: who 🤔

Natasha Romanov: oh really , don't make yourself stupid stark .

Antony stark: AWWH I have been BETRAID BY MY WIFE 😩😢

Natasha Romanov: 😒

Legolas : hey kid , how to change our names 🙂

Legolas changed his name to Clint Barton

Capistle changed his name to Steve Rogers

Platypus changed his name to James Rhodes

Brucey bear changed his name to Bruce banner

Point break changed his name to Thor

Peter : are you happy now

Clint Barton: yaa 😀


Loki: Thor you clicked the caps lock right


Loki: 🤦🏻‍♂️ it's what makes your letters becomes bigger .


Peter: oh come on , I will help ya

Thor : thank you son of spiders.

Natasha Romanoff : well yeah iam a spider 😏

Antony stark : yeah but iam not 🙂

Wanda : anyway why did you made this group Peter .

Peter : oh right , because we guys need to have more time together . 😇

Vision: iam sitting next to you mister stark that's not the real reason.

Clint: yeah kid what's the real reason 🤔🤨 .

Peter : urghh , so that I could talk with you guys when iam at a boring class , my classes are so BORINGG.

Sam : well , what did you expect from a high school kid with 250 IQ and son of tony stark.

Steve Rogers : put that's shouldn't stop you from listen to your lessons , you should focus on them not talking with the Avengers .

Loki : someone remove this guy from here.

Antony stark : ma pleasure 😌

Antony stark removed Steve Rogers

Natasha Romanoff added Steve Rogers.

Antony stark: hey why did you do that.

Natasha Romanoff: 😒😏

Friday : Mr. Stark you have a call from ' pirate ' saying that he will kill all of you because you dyied his clothes with pink.

Antony stark: shit I have to go bey.

Steve Rogers: LANGUAGE.

Clint Barton: shit, iam dead .

Rest in peace Antony stark and Clint Barton 😢😢😂.

So what's do you think , this is the first chapter, there will be more group chat and other one shot , I would love to know what you think and if you have a good idea I'd love to know it

Avengers one shots / Group ChatsWhere stories live. Discover now