❥ Chapter Sixteen: Escape Plan

Start from the beginning

"Luna comes here at dawn but never at noon or after that. I might be wrong but I think she's sleeping around that time and so does the others. That's the only time we can escape." Lauren whispered to us. The guards behind the double doors are gone and dawn is about to break. We need to pretend asleep if she visits us. Art and I will check the other room while Prim and Matt will find something to melt the silver. We just have to make sure that before Luna leaves, we get the keys on her pocket. It sounds hard knowing that she has fast reflexes.

"If she finds out, I'll battle her out." Lauren uttered in complete authority. My forehead creased as to how she'll fight the werewolf alpha but I didn't say anything and just nodded at her. Prim's wound isn't so deep so she managed to help Matt by her side. I am not sure whether we'll successfully escape but I really want to. I want to dragged as much as possible, all of them out of here.

"Roni's laptop fell off the bridge so we can't track them out." Prim muttered. Lauren shook her head. "It doesn't matter. As long as we know where to go."

"The laptop tracks the five test subjects and not everyone. They multiplied for at least fifty or sixty so I doubt it'll be of any use." Matt said. I nodded in agreement. "As long as we stick together."

We all pretended to be asleep when the double doors swung open. The barefooted Luna came in with quite a resounding sound as her feet stomped on the floor. It was immediately followed by four more steps and I'm guessing it's her guards.

"Wake up sleepyheads. Time for you to eat." She used her high-pitch voice and I swear it was the most annoying voice ever. She's more irritating than Prim whenever she mimics Roni.

"Don't waste your time Luna. Their wound is too deep for them to be conscious right now." Lauren uttered in her bored tone. Though I can't see her I know Luna turned around to face her way.

"It wasn't that deep darling compared to yours." She teased. Lauren grunted when she pulled the chains. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Luna's back against me while she's talking with Lauren. My eyes darted on the pocket of her dress. That's where the key to our handcuffs is.

"I was just going easy on them and I won't turn them into monsters so you can keep a cool head about it."

I slowly sat straight, not doing any unnecessary movements to keep the chain steady. I looked around and noticed the two werewolves on the back, trying to guard the door. This is it. This is our only chance and I have to go grab it. I took a deep breath before extending my arm.

"You're a liar. Who knows what you will do once you bit them off again." Lauren muttered after she saw me. I nodded gently before reaching out to Luna's pocket. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." She suddenly said.

I stopped my hand mid-air and stopped breathing for a moment too before looking up. Lauren averted her gaze to me, afraid. But before I can even withdraw my hand, the wall on the opposite side pounded. Luna was not minding me instead she's staring at the wall. I took the chance to grab the keys while she's distracted and even before the wall made a sound again, I already kept the keys to the pocket of my pants.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Roni." She muttered without tearing off her eyes to the wall. I glanced at the wall too when I heard her mention Roni but all I see is the rough cement wall. Luna signaled the werewolves to go check it out. And a few seconds later, the wall rose up slowly.

Roni is standing on the other side with her hands filled with blood. She's not moving but her eyes remained on Luna. She gritted her teeth at her and her eyes automatically changed colors.

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