❥ Chapter Fifteen: Hybrid

Start from the beginning

"It hurts knowing you cheated but Lauren..." He turned to me and fished out something from the side pocket of his pants. I cried more when I saw what it was. I broke down on my knees and muttered the word sorry a couple of times.

"It hurts so much more that you cheated with Jack. Lauren, he's getting married to your best friend! How could you do this to Roni and me?"

I shook my head, still unable to say something. He screamed his heart out and it echoed on the cliff. He kicked the rocks out of frustration. I can feel him gasping while crying and it broke my heart again.

"What did I do to make you feel like this? Wasn't I enough, huh?" He screamed at me. I moved backwards a little while shaking my head. "You could've at least told me. Fuck!" He uttered amidst his harsh intake of air. He was about to say something when his eyes widened in disbelief. The ring fell on the ground while he froze. With a trembling hand, I turn around. A huge monster appeared right outside the cave and my heart immediately pounded on my chest. It's daylight. That's not possible. How come there's a werewolf?

"Lauren, run!"

Matt shouted but it was too late, the monster had snatched me away even before he can hold my hand. I winced in pain but was covered in a cloud-like subconscious. But it's all clear to me. Matt's desperate calls subsided and the darkness slowly crawled down my body. Is this the judgment for my sin? I'm going to die without ever telling Jack about our baby. And I can't live so see Matt again. I hope they make it out safe.

"Wake up, Dr. Lauren." A creepy voice whispered against my ear. I opened my eyes and sat up when I felt pain on my neck. I raised my hand to touch it but the metals clang. Both of my hands are chained up on either side of the wooden pillar and when it hit the marble floor, it made a sound. "You're finally awake." Said the same voice. "Who's there?" I asked before blinking my eyes. My sight is slowly going back and when it does, I saw a young maiden in a white satin dress that is filled with blood stains. She moved closer and bended down so we're eye to eye. Her eyes are yellow and it's the same as the monster who grabbed me. I moved backwards but the chain pulled me. She smirked before standing up straight.

"Dr. Lauren Mae Breiner." She hummed.

"How did you know my name?" I asked. She grinned wider before walking around me, surveying me. "How did you know my name?" I asked again, a little louder. She stopped in front of me and pulled a syringe under her sleeve.

"What is that? What are you going to do to me?" Panic rises and I turned pale when she moved closer to me. I tried to pull my hand but I grimaced. The chain hugged my skin and it's hard to break through.

"Don't come closer." I warned but she didn't even listen. She cupped my face with her other hand and I was forced to stand up.

"I'm going to turn you into a far more superior being than a human." She whispered. I shook my head and begged for her mercy. She laughed creepily as she pointed the syringe to my face. "Don't you want to avenge your child?" She asked with a hint of joy glistening to her eyes. I felt the whole world stopped and my ears deafened at her remarks. Sure I wasn't sure whether I'll keep the baby or not but hearing her say that makes my heart ache so much more.

"Don't you want to take revenge on Dr. Veronica? Who's the main reason why you're all here?" She moved me down and her hot breath hit my neck when she moved a little closer. "Doesn't your blood boil in anger when you think of how your life might be easier if Dr. Veronica doesn't exist?"

It does.

"Would everything turned to normal if Dr. Jack loses Veronica?"

It would.

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