❥ Chapter Fourteen: Moon Feast

Start from the beginning

I sighed before doing the same thing. I lied against my back and looked up at the sky. The clear sky paved the way for the rays of the sun to shine brightly. It was a breathtaking view. And I hope nothing more than this before dying. Peaceful scenery amidst the treacherous reality. I closed my eyes and recalled the memories I have kept, the memories that I will always cherish even when I die.

"Do you think it's her?" Someone murmurs. My forehead creased when I heard it but I refused to lend my ears to them. They might be talking about someone and it doesn't concern me. "I think so. I noticed how they looked at her last night. She must be her." A sharp voice muttered. I turned to the other side and tried so hard to ignore their conversation but something caught my attention. I am curious as to what they are talking about.

"If it is her then I think we can finally be set free. That's what they were up to for the last few weeks. Finding the girl who can turn them back." I opened my eyes and slowly sat up. I turned to them and saw three girls talking to each other with their stares set on me. As soon as they saw me staring back at them, they bowed their head down and averted their gazes. They also stopped talking as if they were caught red-handed.

"Can I help you?" I asked without a hint of interest. My eyebrows rose on their own and the girls were taken aback by it. "Are you Veronica?" The girl on the right asked. She looks so young and innocent yet her hands were stained with blood. "Why do you ask?" Now my curiosity is digging up their sleeves. I don't remember seeing these girls so how did they know me? Are they from Mount View too?

"Nothing." The one with the auburn hair muttered nonchalantly after she raised her right brow at me. I sighed before turning around. If they won't tell me anything then its best if I don't tell them who really I am. I spend the entire day sleeping or spacing out. My stomach growled but there's no food around. The girls were also quiet the whole time and even though they all seem hungry, they didn't say anything.

"Roni." Jack called. I opened my eyes and the sun immediately blinded me. I rose from the ground and found myself alone. The girls are nowhere to be found. The cages were empty without any hint to where they are. The strings aren't forcefully opened so there's no way they tried to escape. "Rise and shine, Veronica." I looked over my shoulder and my eyes widened in disbelief as she walks slowly until she reached my cage. Her expressionless face is now filled with humor and mixed emotions. "You're much of an early bird than I thought." She murmured to herself but I heard it all.

"Luna." I muttered, horrified. I can't believe this. She's here right in front of me with a normal human form. I creased my forehead and examined her closely. "Surprise?" She muttered with a laugh.

 "How did you...." My voice trailed off when she laughs again and this time, its way more villainous. It gave me chills. "How did I turn to human again?" She guessed. "I'm sure you can figure it out. I expect nothing less from a Stanford standout." Luna held on the bamboo bars and scrutinizes every inch of my body before smirking. She shook her head after. She then fished out a syringe on the side pocket of her coat.

"Now, do me a favor." She whispered.

Luna forcefully grabbed my arm and with her superhuman strength, I was pulled forward with an impact that made me dizzy. I grimaced when I felt an ant bite on my arm. I tried to pull my arm back but her hands were so firm and strong and before I knew it, she successfully injected me a green liquid.

"What did you do?" I demanded. "I injected you my blood and I'm sure a few moments later, you'll start feeling the agonizing pain I had felt when I was on that lab." She answered monotonously like it's no big deal. I shook my head and touched my arm. "Don't worry, you're not going to transform into a werewolf. You'll just turn into a monster." She whispered to my ear before leaving. She laughed again that even if she's already away, I can still her voice echoing.

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