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They arrived yesterday.

Kenma couldn't come because he was working, but Hinata convinced Kageyama to come with him, despite the terrified protests, and Atsumu and Sakusa promised Bokuto they wouldn't miss his first really real race for the preliminaries today.

Coming to see Bokuto race again, but this time at a legal track, felt strange to Akaashi. While he would miss hiding under the protection of the moon, he could help the pride he had for Bokuto that flooded through him all the same.

It wasn't too hot in Alaska during the summer, Akaashi finding the change of pace from Jinsoku quite nice. The place was just like he expected from his daydreams, and Bokuto was more than excited to spend time here and explore the area with him tonight.

But first, he had to win this race for Kenma.

They were all lucky enough to get seats in front of the fence, the track huge and professional, a little distance between them and where the racers start.

Akaashi is trying not to shake so much with excitement, watching Bokuto nodding and smiling as he spoke to another racer, a guy who he assumed was the Semi he had told him about earlier. He was the first one to warm up to Bokuto out of the rookies, which Akaashi was glad for, though he shouldn't be worried about Bokuto making friends here.

He seemed to like him, and that was enough.

Akaashi's heart beats incredibly fast by the time Hinata comes back with a small bag of popcorn, sitting in between Akaashi and Kageyama, the two of them not really finding anything to start a conversation with and instead, communicating through awkward eye contact every so often.

"You think he's gonna win?" Hinata asks, popping a kernel into his mouth before handing the bag to Kageyama for him to eat.

"I hope that he does." Akaashi nods, and Atsumu chuckles beside him at something Sakusa said, probably teasing him again, their voices immediately mingling with the crowd around them.

"I think he'll get third place, at the very least," Hinata says, and Akaashi nods, wishing for the very best, as well.

Akaashi is quiet and he turns his attention back to Bokuto, directed to look at a huge camera to his right, among the small crowd of racers, probably for the media. Bokuto smiles and his dimples lightly prod at his cheeks as he waits for them to take the photo, and Akaashi feels warm in Bokuto's radiance, gleaming just as brightly here as he did on the street.

He looked just as professional as everything felt, a black and white suit with gold trim that fits him very nicely.

Because he only had Kenma to sponsor him, it was adorned with just the company's logo across his chest, but he hoped to fill up his sleeves by the time he was at his next race. He holds onto his black helmet, and the announcer begins to talk while the racers make their way to their cars.

Bokuto looks into the crowd, looking out for someone, his eyebrows worrying in the middle of his forehead.

Akaashi catches his eyes, and Bokuto has a little sensational smile, his eyes squeezed shut as he waves at them, his hand held out. Atsumu cheers and Sakusa gives a small wave back, while Hinata radiates just as brightly and Kageyama looks into his popcorn.

Bokuto's gaze lingers on Akaashi for a second, in a we're really doing this kind of way, Akaashi knowing nervous he'd been before this after finding him beneath the desk in their hotel room bringing back breakfast.

But Akaashi smiles reassuringly and gestures his hand as if he was blowing him a kiss, making Bokuto give him an embarrassed face and Akaashi chuckles.

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