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Akaashi was not surprised to hear that Matsukawa, unfortunately, did not get bailed, but he did think it was nice of Oikawa to visit him every day until they let him go.

Akaashi didn't know anything about attorneys willing to protect street racers. People willing to risk their license just to let people risk their lives on the street instead. Bokuto had one, too, and was very fond of her but Akaashi didn't think Bokuto would ever need her.

Well, it was more like he hoped he'd never need her.

Here he was on a Wednesday, sitting on his stool in the flower shop and watching his fingers skip across the maplewood, letting his mind take him halfway across the world.

The sunlight was brittle and inviting as it warmed his skin through the window, the afternoon settling gently over the town while summer still blazed by. It was very quiet in here, mainly because the shop was empty and Akaashi didn't need to make any new displays for today.

In this quiet - while the silence allowed his heart to whisper to him, too - he was kind of missing Bokuto, if he was being honest.

He didn't want to, considering he was still kind of weary of him, but he couldn't stop thinking about last Friday night.

There was this strange, invisible force, practically tugging at his wrists as it led him down streets and into random buildings with Bokuto for the entire night.

It made him stop worrying and live a little more, made Bokuto's voice sound that much more enticing and the black smoke around his eyes that much darker in the shade of the moon, to where Akaashi truly felt like he could get lost in him. It made him forget about upcoming exams, let him surf on a wave of sparkling freedom while winds of adventure skated past his skin.

His heart picks up as he imagines him smiling across the table at the soba restaurant, in all of his auroras and bright neon blues, and he longs for the next chance he gets to listen to Bokuto's soul without the intrusion of a race soon.

The adrenaline runs through his bloodstream and straight into his face, and he groans in embarrassment once the heat gets to be too much, poppies blooming beneath his cheeks.

He hides in his folded arms, trying to think of ice so it could go away.

"Akaashi!" Akaashi blinks and lifts his head, pressing his hands to his cheeks as he watches Konoha come to him from his office, reading off a slip of paper in his hands, not looking at him. "Hinata's shop pre-ordered today. They need a bouquet for the front desk, and..." Konoha makes a face and brings the paper closer to his eyes, almost comically. "...one blue tulip. Drop it off before your break, would you?"

Akaashi's eyebrows shift to the center of his forehead as he thinks, wondering why they would order a single tulip for the shop, before becoming even more embarrassed that he would have to talk to Bokuto in front of someone else working there today.

He probably ordered it so he could be reminded of Akaashi every day or...something... stupid.

Akaashi feels the heat again.

"I-I don't go on break until three," Akaashi says. "Would you like me to drop it off at that time?"

Konoha shakes his head, eyes cutting as they slice into Akaashi and he gestures with the slip of paper still in his hand. "Take an early one and do it now."

Akaashi really hoped that the tattoo shop is completely empty by the time he gets there as he throws a mix of big, white lilies and poinsettias in an emerald vase, his fingers lightly drumming on the ceramic to keep his thoughts occupied on literally anything else except the confrontation he knew he was about to have.

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